Chapter Fifty-Five:

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Harry slowly sat down onto the sofa, wincing slightly as he hit the cushions. He sighed as he rested his feet on the coffee table, leant his head on the back of the sofa and closed his eyes. I stood near him, just looking at him. I still couldn't get over the fact he was finally home, even if he was in a bit of pain. Harry's hand gently rose from the arm of the sofa and with his eyes closed, he felt around until it softly landed against my body. He moved from my waist to my hip and held my hand tightly before opening his eyes and smiling the smile I'd missed so much for the last few months. He gently tugged me over to him and pulled me down. I landed next to him, causing him to wince.

"Shit, I'm sorry!" I gasped, without thinking my hands flew out to him and patted him. He laughed at my reaction and took my hands in his.

"It's fine" he smiled. "I'm so glad to be home. It's stupid how glad I am to be here"

"I'm glad you're home too. It was so empty and quiet without you here!" He pulled me down so my head was resting against his shoulder; his arm was wrapped around the back of my neck, filling the gap that had been there the whole time he was away. I sighed and cuddled into him a bit more, relishing the feel of his sturdy body next to me again.

We sat in silence letting ourselves remember what it was like to be together for a while. Our hands were linked and our heads rested together. It was 10am, we had a whole day to fill with getting back to normal.

A loud bang came from the doorway followed by "Ow!". My eyes flew open as I turned around to see who it was. Louis was struggling through the door lugging the large suitcase Harry had taken on tour with him, behind him. "Ya know Hazza, for a lanky guy you're clothes weigh a tonne!" He huffed as he propped the case against the wall.

"Oh man, I forgot about that! Where'd you get it?"

Louis flopped onto the other sofa and stretched his legs out in front of him. "Liam took it with him when you went to the hospital and I, your humble servant, brought it here for you." He casually lent forward and took a sip of the tea on the coffee table. It was Harry's he'd only drank half of it.

"Thanks." Harry replied gratefully. "You can have a fresh one if you want. You don't have to drink mine. It's probably cold." He went to stand up but Louis jumped up and pushed him back down.

"I don't think so. I'm making it, you're not going anywhere." He pottered off to the kitchen and clanked around noisily. Typical Louis.

Harry settled back into the sofa and pulled me back into the position we were in. "I don't want to leave you ever again." He kissed my forehead and left his lips resting there as he spoke. "Can we have some alone time later?" his lips moved against my head as he spoke.

"Sure." I pulled him tighter to me and wrapped both of my arms around him.

Louis came back into the room and, as usual, flopped onto the sofa, even with a full mug of tea in his hand. He cleared his throat. "Get a room guys!"

"Louis, this is our apartment, you get a room!" Harry laughed as he threw a cushion at him. "What do you guys want to do today?"

"Har…" I began to tell him he shouldn't do anything too strenuous but Harry cut in.

"Mario Kart! I've missed it so much. Have you been practicing while I was away Lilo? If you haven't your ass is going to be kicked."

I rolled my eyes as I stood up to turn it all on. "Actually Louis, I fondly remember me beating you not so long ago." I crouched down to open the disk drive of the Wii and popped the disk in.

"Ah, but things have changed. That will be the last time." I turned around to face him, he was stretching his arms as if he were about to enter a throwing competition. I rolled my eyes at his goofy-ness, a small smile breaking through, as I realized how much I'd missed Louis too.

"Bring it Tommo." I laughed, handing out the controllers. Harry took one and slid a bit further forward on the sofa. I held my breath, waiting to see if he winced and luckily he didn't.

"Let's go!" Louis yelled as the game started. The three of us sat there staring intently at the screen, our arms flailing in the air in front of us as we directed the cars we were racing.

Louis fell off a cliff, causing his part of the screen to go black and a yell of "NO!". Harry laughed as he took Louis' 2nd place. I raced on, still in the lead on the last lap. "This is so unfair!" Louis groaned, "I'm last! Stupid cliff."

I playfully patted him on the back as I crossed the finish line first and he sighed and sank further back onto the sofa. "Re-match!"

We carried on playing for hours; Louis won one finally amongst Harry's and mine multiple wins.

"So…it seems my ass wasn't kicked at all." I winked at Louis. harry tucked me under his shoulder as we sat back on the sofa. The controllers were scattered over the coffee table as they were no longer being used. Harry chuckled, I felt it rumble through his body and under my hand where it rested on his chest.

"Yeah…whatever." He scowled. "I'll get you back eventually." He couldn't keep a straight face much longer and smiled shyly.

"When's Vanessa back?" Harry asked. He fiddled with the Tiffany ring on my finger, the one he'd bought me in the airport last year.

"In a few days I think" he replied as he fiddled with his phone.

"Man, I'm starving." Harry sighed. His stomach rumbled as if punctuating his statement.

I guilty looked towards the kitchen. "Um, we have no food in. Niall ate the last of it when he came the other night. I haven't had a chance to do any shopping."

"Niall, typical. How about we go out? I feel like a Nandos."

Louis and I stood up eagerly in response. I couldn't remember the last time I'd had one. I slipped my shoes on as Harry grabbed a jumper from the back of the chair. "Let's go."

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