Chapter Seventy-Three:

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I was woken up by the sound of someone clearing their throat and the hospital chair next to my bed creaking as someone sat down. I pulled myself up and looked to see who it was. The cougher was Inspector Morris, his orange curls were glowing in the artificial hospital light. I rubbed my eyes, took a sip of water and greeted him. He was alone this time.

"How are you?" He was as blunt as I remembered.

"Um, better thanks, sore sometimes but it's not so bad."

He nodded at me. "Good. I think you're about to feel a bit better again now" He rummaged in the pocket of his uniform trousers and pulled out a notebook. "We've caught the person who shot you." He didn't even look at me when I gasped in shock. His eyes stayed focused on the page open in his hand.

"Really?" I gripped the edge of the bed so hard my knuckled turned white. I wished Harry was with me. "That's great news."

"It is." He finally looked at me. "You were right, It was the brother of the defendant in your case. He seemed to think that your client was going to win and that his brother would be having a very long jail sentence. To quote him 'if she wasn't on his case he might not go down. So I took her out'…he openly admitted to doing it once we had him, which saved time. I'm sure you're aware of what happens now, as a barrister."

"Yeah. Trial, verdict and hopefully a life sentence for attempted murder." I nodded. I knew the deal.

He smiled at me for the first time ever, which was more of a shock than finding out my attacker had been caught. "I thought you'd know. Basically, you're safe now, he's being detained until his case, probation was denied."

"Good. That's good." The relief I felt was immense. I didn't have to worry anymore.

"We'll inform you of when the trial is etc, but it won't be for a while yet, but we'll get back to you." He stood up from the chair. "I have to go now, but I'll no doubt see you again soon when the trial is here." He nodded once and left the room.

"Gee, I can't wait to see you again either." I said sarcastically once he was out of ear shot.

The first thing I did was pick up my phone and ring Harry. I waited for him to answer but he didn't, which was unusual as he always answers. I left him a message: "Hey Hazza it's me. They've caught the guy who shot me. It was the brother of the defendant in the trial. He admitted to it and everything. Everything's okay now. Love you."

I then proceeded to ring everyone that knew about what had happened and told them the good news.

"Lilo!" Bay called as she strolled through the door. She ran over to me and pulled me into a hug. "They caught him!" She was laughing with happiness. I was so happy to see her. I hadn't seen her for ages, she'd been back in Ireland visiting family and we were both always working. She dumped a load of magazines on the bed next to me, there were tones of them, and flopped into the chair by my bed. Her long blue hair was swishing around as she moved. "How are you?" She pulled a bobble off her wrist and pulled her hair into a pony tail as she spoke.

"I'm good thanks, how was Ireland?"

"Meh, not bad. Mum's still doing my head in. She seems to think that because I've decided to write I've thrown my whole life away! Pfft" She rolled her eyes as she dumped her bag onto the floor.

"She'll come around." I smiled. "How's the book going?"

"Amazingly!" she gasped. "I've been getting loads of ideas, I've had to resort to carrying a notebook with me everywhere so I can write my thoughts down." She leant forwards in her chair with eagerness. I love hearing about her writing, she gets so excited about it. "I thought I'd do something dystopian or a thriller. I'm not sure yet."

"You could do a dystopian-thriller" I added. I didn't expect her to gasp in response but she did.

"That's an amazing idea!" She grabbed a battered, red leather notebook from her bag and rummaged around until she found a pen. "Thanks Lilo. I'll totally put you in my acknowledgements" she winked.

"It'll be a great book." I smiled. "When did you last see Niall?"

"About three weeks ago." She sighed. "I don't know what's going on Lilo. We hardly ever see each other and we hardly talk either. I just wish things were the way they used to be." She bent the corner of her notebook over and over again.

"It'll get better. Honestly. It's because they're working so much. Once the tour is over things will get back to normal." I patted her hand reassuringly.

"You and Harry don't have these problems though. He phones you all the time. When I ring Niall he's always busy or something. We talk for about 5 minutes and then he's going."

"That's what it's like with Harry. We talk everyday but not for long. It's just the way it is." I smiled sadly. I could tell she was upset that things with her and Niall weren't like they once were.

"True." She huffed. "Have you seen the articles about you?" She gasped, back to her excitable self within seconds. "You're in every single magazine!"

"No" I frowned. "I haven't really read any magazines. What are they saying?" I eyed the pile of magazines on the bed warily.

"I thought you wouldn't have. Flick through; they're all near the front. It's big news." She passed me the magazine on the top of the pile before picking up her own and flicking through.

She was right. The second page of the magazine had a large photo of Harry outside the hospital holding a bunch of flowers and in the corner, slightly smaller was a photo of Harry and I that had been taken just before Christmas. The headline said: "One Direction wife Shot!" and had a picture of the court house where I was shot in the corner.

"Lilo Styles, the wife of One Direction band member Harry Styles was shot on the 16th of January outside the court house where she was working, the day after their third wedding anniversary.

Sources say Harry was 'cut up' and 'absolutely distraught' when he heard the news. Witness have spoken and said he was on a plane to Ireland at the time he discovered the news. One says 'He ran to the front of the plane followed by the rest of the boys and demanded they let him off the plane. Eventually they did.'

There's no news as of yet about who did it but Harry told the world via twitter: 'Thanks for the concern, Lilo's okay, just had some serious surgery but will be fine.'

We're glad she's okay and hope whoever did it is found soon!"

"They all say the same thing basically. Same pictures and everything."

"What did people tweet when they found out I was the reason the Ireland dates were postponed?" I asked nervously, suddenly scared that I'd get a load of hate.

"Um…"  Bay looked uncomfortable which confirmed my doubts.

"Hate?" I asked.

She smiled sadly. "A little bit. Not too much! And the boys all tweeted about it. It's stopped now; it only lasted about an hour or so."

"I knew that would happen." I shook my head and reached for my phone. I was going to brave twitter for the first time since the accident. I saw the amount of notifications I had from it and quickly changed my mind. I couldn't deal with that at the moment.

"Don't worry about it. You didn't choose to get shot and you didn't make the boys postpone, they wanted to. It's not your fault." She patted my hand this time.

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