Chapter Thirty-One:

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"This is the nicest fudge cake ever!" Anne sighed as she lifted another spoonful towards her mouth. Gemma and Robin were the only ones who could manage a dessert. Gemma had cheesecake, Anne had chocolate fudge cake.

"Enjoying your cheesecake Gemma?" Mark laughed as he picked up a napkin and wiped the ice cream off her nose. She grinned cheekily at him and dug in for another go.

"So Haz, what do you plan on doing for the next few days?" Robin asked.

"Not sure yet, I was thinking we could go shopping or something but then I don't really know. Holmes Chapel isn't exactly New York is it?"

"Nah, it's not very glamorous but you'll think of something." He smiled.

Harry paid the bill and we all left. He took my hand as we went to the car and pulled me close. "They love you" he whispered.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I just do. Can't you see it? Gemma loves you and my parents adore you. I'm so lucky."

"Well I'm glad they do, I don't know what I'd do if they didn't like me." I wrapped my arm around his waist and slipped my hand into the back pocket of his chinos.

We got to his car, but this time it was just the two of us. Harry said he wanted to take me somewhere but because he'd had a drink I drove. The powerful rumble of his car felt brilliant under my feet. I'd never driven anything like it before tonight, it was exciting.

"So where are you taking me?" I asked as Harry fiddled with the radio.

"It's a surprise."

"How can it be a surprise? I'm driving us there! You have to tell me" I pretended to be sad to see if he'd give in.

"You won't get it out of me. Keep going down this road." He didn't give in. I did as he said and followed the road. We were driving through a quiet street, the sun had set a while ago, but it wasn't completely dark yet. The street lights were only just flickering on in the dusk, lighting up the navy sky.

"Turn left here."

I carried on following the directions until Harry told me to stop.

"Where are we?" I asked as we climbed out of the car. Before I could lock the car Harry had opened the boot. I looked around at the large, green field spreading out in front of us.

"A field" He laughed as he slammed the boot shut. I noticed he was holding a folded up blanket in his hands and I raised an eye brow suspiciously. "Come on." He took my hand and led me to a large wooden gate that he climbed over. I followed and jumped down next to him.

We walked in silence right to the centre of the field. Our hands tightly locked together while our legs moved in sync. Once he was happy with where we were he stopped and shook out the blanket, spreading it on the floor.

We both sat down on the blanket and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"I've always wanted to just sit up here and look at the stars and I thought there'd be nobody better to do it with than you." He whispered. "I don't know why, but it feels wrong talking normally here, I just want to whisper."

"That's so romantic." I kissed him on the cheek. We lay down on our backs and looked at the stars.

"I miss the stars." I whispered. "I used to see them all the time when I lived at home, the house is in the country with hardly anyone around so every night when it was clear you'd see them."

We sat in silence for a while, neither of us said anything, just looked.

"In London there's too much light. I like seeing them. It makes me feel trapped when I can't see them. When it's a clear sky and all you can see are stars for miles it makes me feel so lucky." Harry said softly.

I squeezed his hand in agreement and turned to kiss him. His hand wound itself around my hair and pressed me closer to his mouth. I felt his breath tickle my face. It was warm and soft. His other hand rested on my arm as he rolled over on top of me and kissed me harder, his tongue searching my mouth.


I woke up with the birds. Goosebumps had broken out along my arms, the only bare skin. I pulled my blazer tighter around me and wrapped my feet in the blanket. Harry was snoring lightly next to me. I slipped my hand into the back pocket of my jeans and pulled out my phone. 6:30.

"Haz" I nudged him with my arm. He didn't respond. I sighed and grabbed my phone back out of my pocket, found a loud song and pressed play.

Green Day burst through the speakers. Harry's eyes shot open and he sat up with a jolt. I held my sides as I went weak with laughter. His face was a mixture of shock and extreme tiredness. He finally realized what had happened and started tickling me, I was on my back wriggling around trying to get him to stop. I broke free from his hands, jumped up and ran across the field towards the gate and the car. Still laughing I looked back to see Harry following me, the blanket trailing out of his hand behind him, he was laughing and stumbling, his limbs not yet awake.

I got to the gate and climbed over. Catching my breath I strolled to the car and waited for Harry to join me.

"I'll get you back for that" he panted as he reached the car. "It was totally uncalled for." He stood in front of me. I was leaning against his car, the keys in my hand. He put the blanket on the roof and placed his hands on my hips. He pulled me forward and met my mouth with his.

Suddenly his hands started tickling my waist again. I squealed and leapt away. I ran around to the other side of the car, threw him the keys over the roof of the car and climbed in before he could tickle me again.

He grabbed the blanket off the roof and got in after me.

We were back at the house by 7am. Nobody else was awake so we snuck upstairs and climbed into the bed.

Before we knew it we were both asleep again, this time in the warmth and on a comfy mattress.

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