Chapter Thirty-Four:

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We sat around talking and eating until it started to go dark. Harry now knew everything about my family. My dad and brother really liked him and were having a laugh about sport and other manly stuff. My mum and I had conversations and left them to theirs.

My mum stood up to take the dishes into the house. "I'll help you." Harry, my brother and I said in unison as we all stood up. She laughed. "You all can!" She said. We did as we were told and grabbed a plate each, my dad had cooked, as usual, and we had a rule in our house. If you cooked you didn't have to clean up.

We all stood around laughing and chatting as we stacked the dishwasher and tidied up.

"Thank you for your help." My mum said as we all went back outside. The air was still warm even though it was getting dark. My dad had lit citronella candles whilst we were inside to keep any mosquitoes or flies away. The pool reflected the flickering candle light and music floated outside from the house.

"So what do you plan to do while you're here?" asked my dad.

"I was going to take Harry to the beach tomorrow if the weather's alright, introduce him to a few people and then I don't really know." I shrugged.

"Well, I was thinking we could go out for a meal either tomorrow night or Thursday night. If that's okay with you?"

"We could go out tomorrow and I'll cook Thursday if you like." I looked at my dad and he nodded.

"That's fine."

We spent the rest of the evening chatting, the dog stretched out asleep under Harry's chair. Every so often his hand would reach down and stroke her and she'd snore lightly in response.

Eventually my dad and mum went to bed, so I was left with just Harry and my brother.

"So tell me what it's really like being famous?" My brother asked.

Harry laughed. "It's nuts man, well and truly nuts. There's always people screaming at you and sometimes it can get a bit intense, but it's so much fun."

"Do you enjoy it?"

"I love it. I don't think I could ever want to do a normal job after having an experience of this life."

"Now I'm a bit jealous." My brother laughed. "I'm going to go to bed. I'll see you both tomorrow, 'night." He strolled over towards the house and the dog followed him, ready to go to bed as well.

"Where are we staying tonight, in your old room?"

"Nope, my old room was tiny, only enough room for a single bed, so we're in the guest room." I grabbed a few glasses off the table and Harry took the others. I blew out the candles as we went, plunging the garden into darkness.

"Follow me." I whispered as I grabbed Harry's hand and led him upstairs to the room we'd stay in.

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