Chapter Eighty-Nine:

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"So spill" I said. Bay put down her book and looked at me. A gentle breeze blew around us as we sat on the balcony and drank iced tea with a tub of Ben and Jerry's Cookie Dough ice cream between us, two spoons sticking out of the top. I took a spoonful and waited for her to speak.

"Um..." she started. She took a spoonful as well, trying to think of how to say what she needed to. "Well, Niall broke up with me, I went to Ireland, wrote a load of stuff for my book and then, well, I found something out and I needed to come back." She shrugged as she went to pick her book back up.

"No no no!" I gasped. "You can't stop there! Why did you come back?"

She sighed and put her book back down next to mine. The sun glinted off her sunglasses as she pushed them up onto her head. "I need to speak to Niall, I didn't know they were on tour, I've been camped out in a cottage in the middle of nowhere in Ireland living on pasta, writing and walking through fields, I haven't had internet or the TV on so I didn't know, so I'm going to wait for him to get back." She took a sip of her drink and turned her chair slightly so she could look at the hazy vista of London as she spoke to me. "I need to tell him'm pregnant" she sighed.

I nearly choked on my drink, a whole ice cube made its way down my throat as I gaped at her. "woah!" I gasped. "I certainly didn't expect that"

"Why not?" She asked, turning back to face me.

"I'm not sure, I just didn't." I admitted.

"I didn't expect it either" she sighed. "The doctor said I'm about two months along."

"Bay that's fantastic. Congratulations!" I reached over and squeezed her hand.

"It's not. Niall isn't even with me anymore so why would he want a child with me? It's just an unnecessary tie to someone he doesn't love anymore." She inspected the nails of her right hand, trying to act unaffected but I knew she was upset.

"I'm sure he does still love you, nobody knows why he broke up with you, not even the boys but we've seen how he's been coping since he did it and it's killing him. He wouldn't have a reaction like that if he didn't still feel something. This might be the wake up call he needs."

"We'll see. They're back in two weeks aren't they?"

"Yeah" I smiled. "Not long. Where are you staying by the way?"

"In a hotel, I didn't know where else to go and I didn't expect to be waiting here for him, I thought it would happen and I'd go back to Ireland or something."

"No, you're staying here." I nodded. "Yes, perfect. There's the bed in the spare room, it's full of baby stuff but the bed is still there and useable."

"I can't do that Lilo!" She shook her head and put her spoon back in the tub after taking a mouthful.

"You can and you will. I wont take no for an answer. It'll be fun, like the old uni times when it was just me and you but this time with the bonus of pregnancy cravings" I winked.

"As long as it's not a problem I'm up for it" she smiled.

"It's definitely not a problem! We can go and get your stuff soon and then we can have two weeks of fun."

"Thanks Lilo" she smiled. "You're a great friend."

"I try my best" I laughed.

"That bed is so comfy" Bay entered the room as she spoke. Her blue hair was tousled from sleep and her eyes were tired looking. She yawned before sitting opposite me at the kitchen table. I slid the box of cereal, toast rack and tub of butter towards her before pouring her a glass of orange juice. She'd told me the night before how she'd given up drinking coffee the minute she found out she was pregnant. "Thanks" she mumbled before buttering a slice of toast.

I flicked through the paper as I ate my own slices of toast. I knew Bay wasn't a morning person so I didn't push for conversation. I flipped the next page over and nearly choked on my toast at the sight. I couldn't help but laugh out loud. The boys were lined up in a photo that filled the left side of the page. It wasn't that that made me laugh, it was what they were wearing. They were all dressed in bunny rabbit outfits, god knows why, and were walking through Cardiff shopping for clothes whilst they were there on tour. Louis was pink, Niall green, Liam blue, Harry orange and Zayn a sickly shade of yellow that only he could pull off. They had long, fluffy ears that were stuck up in the air and fluffy white tails stuck to the back of their furry, full body costumes. "Bay, look" I slid the paper around so it face her and couldn't stifle my laughter.

"Oh my god!" She laughed, "what are they doing?" She picked the paper up to get a closer look and her hands shook as she laughed.

"No idea! They must have been boiling in them, look how sunny it is!" I grabbed my phone off the side and took a photo of the photo in the paper. I opened a new message and attached it.

"Looking good! What was it for, may I ask? Xx" I added and sent it to Harry.

"Those boys are nuts" Bay sighed, recovering from laughing so hard.

"Tell me about it" I took a sip of my orange juice and flicked onto the next page. My phone beeped, alerting me of a reply.

"Thanks babe! We were going shopping and couldn't find anything else to wear ;) xx"

I laughed again and showed it to Bay. "They're idiots" I smiled.

"Ha, yeah" she grinned. "One more week" she added, her smile fading. "I'm really nervous."

"Don't be" I reassured her. "It'll be fine. Now, what films shall we watch today?"

"Titanic. I need a good sob"

"Yum, Leonardo Dicaprio. Hottest man ever." I grinned.

"Lilo, you're married to Harry Styles, millions of girls will disagree there" she laughed.

"Yeah, true" I winked.

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