Chapter Eighty-Three:

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I slipped my feet into my flats and straightened out my white dress. My skin was already getting darker, even after being here for only two days. I sprayed a quick squirt of perfume, rubbed some Vaseline onto my lips and left the spacious, modern bedroom.

The entire villa was decorated in cool whites and blues which made being inside comfy as it's never as hot as it is outside. Harry was stood in the living room pointing the remote at the fan that was spinning cold air into the room from the high, lofty ceiling. He was frowning in concentration as he pressed at the buttons. His tight white t-shirt was such a contrast against his tan which was the same as mine. He was wearing them with pink shorts which only he could pull off.

"Everything okay?" I asked as I leant against the door frame as I put my phone into my bag.

"Yeah" he mumbled, still giving the fan a death glare. "I'm just turning the fan off." He looked at the remote. "Stupid technology. Why couldn't they just have a cord like normal fans?" He grumbled under his breath.

Something flashing caught my attention. The large TV, which we hadn't used once so far, was flashing on and off, it seemed in rhythm with Harry's button pressing. "Um Hazza" I started.

"Hang on, the button's gotta be here somewhere." He carried on, not listening to me.

Glancing around the room I noticed another control, the same size as the one that was now being bashed against Harry's thigh, sat on the glass table near the sofa. Grinning, I walked over to it, pointed it at the fan and pressed the off button. The blades started to slow down, which caused Harry to look up from the remote in confusion. "It's slowing down." He frowned. I couldn't help but laugh. He looked at me and smiled shyly, before looking back at the fan. "and it's now stopped. How did that happen?" I waved the remote that was in my hand and grinned.

"You had the wrong one. You were turning the TV on and off." I nodded towards the screen which was glowing bright blue, waiting to be turned on properly.

"Oh." He pressed the button to turn the TV off and then grinned at me sheepishly. "You ready to go then?"

"Yeah" I put my bag on my shoulder and headed out the door into the evening sunlight. It was still warm as the crickets and cicadas chirped away madly, my all time favourite sound. The pool filter whooshed on and hummed along with the insects as I waited for Harry to lock the door.

"This place is stunning" Harry sighed as he slid the keys into his pocket and took my hand.

"I know. I can't get over how beautiful it is." We made our way through the perfectly trimmed garden, past the pink and orange flowers and through the large, opulent gates to find a taxi waiting by the side of the road. "A taxi?" I questioned. I didn't know Harry had ordered one.

"Yeah, it's quite a long walk, I didn't know if you'd be up for it." He opened the taxi door for me as I slid in.

"I'm pregnant, not an invalid." I laughed. "But thanks" I smiled at him as he shut the door and got in front next to the driver.

"Bonsoir" the driver grinned. He was an oldish man, round with dark hair that was fluffy and bouncy. His surprisingly light blue eyes were shaded by thick, dark eye brows that met in the middle. "Etes-vous Anglaise?" He asked. I saw Harry's eyes widen a little as he looked at the driver. I knew he wouldn't want to speak French, he'd told me enough times that he was nervous doing it, so I took the lead.

"Oui monsieur" I smiled. "ca va?" He looked at me in surprise, before replying and telling me he was fine. He asked where we wanted to go and took us there; giving us a monologue about the weather, sights and the celebrities he'd met during the Cannes Film Festival the year before. All in French.

We pulled up outside a swanky restaurant and Harry paid the driver before opening my door and helping me out. The white, stucco building loomed above us. The large windows were facing the ocean as the sun set behind it. We could see many tables spread out in a large, open room that was brightly lit with plants every where. The waiters were all wearing white shirts tucked into tidy black trousers with perfectly styled hair. It was so posh.

We entered the cool building and were immediately escorted to a table near the window. The view was stunning. The stretch of sand was melting into the crystal clear waves which had super yachts floating and bobbing around above them. People were strolling across the golden sands, laughing at conversations unknown to anyone but them.

"I've been thinking" Harry began, calling my attention back from the sea. "what are we going to name the baby?" He looked at me and cocked his head in thought.

"Oh yeah" I gasped. "I genuinely forgot that we have to give it a name." I cringed as I realised how stupid I'd been. Of all the things to forget.

"Blame it on pregnancy brain" He laughed.

"I think I'll have to. I'm not sure. What ideas did you have?" I took a sip of my drink and watched as he thought.

"I was thinking Jemma for a girl or Patrick for a boy."

I couldn't help but smile. He'd been thinking about names all this time, it was so sweet, plus I'd always loved Jemma. "You know, I've wanted to call my daughter Jemma ever since I was a teenager." I grinned. "So I definitely agree with that one, but if we name him Patrick, if it is a boy, you do realise we'll be Harry, Lilo and Patrick don't you?"

"Ah! I didn't think about it that way." He ran his finger around the edge of his beer glass as he spoke.

"I do like the name Patrick though" I didn't want him to get offended, it was clear he'd put a lot of thought in and I really did like it as well.

"Really? I'm suddenly not so keen on it anymore." He smiled.

"It's nice, but we need something we both really like. I don't want either of us to resent each other because one got their own way."

"That's a good point." The waiter arrived then with our food. He placed the plates in front of us, smiled and left.

I looked at the steak and salad on the plate in front of me and nearly dribbled with delight, it looked fantastic. Harry had already started on his, he couldn't hold back.

I cut a small piece of steak and watched Hary's reaction before putting it in my mouth.

He swallowed and opened his mouth to speak. "That is stunning! Seriously, dig in!"

I placed the cube of meat into my mouth and completely forgot the topic of baby names, the taste of the exquisite food took away my attention from that conversation.

Only then did I realise my feet had been tangled under the table with Harry's from the minute we'd sat down.

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