Chapter Five:

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“You can open them now, Lilo” Harry, said slowly as he uncovered my eyes with his big hands.

When I opened my eyes, I was shocked to find out that we were on the beach. He had set up a blanket, with candles leading the way. There was a radio on the blanket playing “Miss You” by Ed Sheeran.

This was definitely going to be a night to remember.

I smiled widely, and turned around, looking straight into Harry’s lovely eyes, wrapping his arms around my waist.

He leaned down, setting his soft lips on mine, the warm summer breeze, the right amount of moonlight on the water, the cold sand beneath their feet, the waves crashing, and it all felt right.

“I love you,” he whispered into my lips. I smiled back, as a response, and he knew what it meant.

He took my hand, leading me slowly down the candle-lit path, seeing fireflies fly in front of our faces.

I looked out to the waves, the moon full and ready to light whatever it was they we doing.

Harry sat down, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me down on him. They sat there for a good couple of moments taking in each other’s presence, before reaching towards the un-noticed basket full of goodies.

“My little chef made something for me, huh?” I smiled cheekily and tapped his nose lightly with my finger.

His dimples appeared, making me gain butterflies in my stomach. He was lovely, I couldn’t believe I'm on a date with him right now.

“Of course, love.” He said with flare in his eye. I wrapped my arm around his neck, leaning my cheek down on his curly head of hair.

I ran my hand softly over Harry’s cheek, leaning my lips down to the corner of his mouth.

I got off of him and slid in front of him, criss crossed. He looked deep into my eyes, grabbing my hands. They couldn’t be closer to each other.

He set a hand gently on my thigh, and I ran my fingers through his curly locks.

He leaned closer, our lips so gentle they were barely touching, even though we wanted each other so bad. Harry ran his tongue over my bottom lip, begging for entrance. Our tongues danced and the waves crept closer to the blanket.

I pulled away, giggling as I stood, Together we moved away the candles and blanket, picnic basket and such. He took his blazer off, I took off my blazer, leaving me in my dress that blew in the breeze. He took my hand once again, leading me to the waves.

The water surrounded us up to our ankles, the waves barely crashing enough to even move us.

He set a hand on the low of my back, pulling me closer towards him. I laid a finger on the hem of Harry’s white v-neck, pulling the neck of the shirt lower.

Harry put a finger under my chin, pulling my face up to meet his gaze. He crashed his lips onto mine, feeling the tension our surroundings gave us.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, playing with the hair on the back of his head. As close as they were, I could feel Harry harden. I reached down, opening my eyes and pulling away from the kiss, smiling cheekily. I ran my hand over his buldge, exciting him even more.

He moaned as I reached for the zipper, fumbled it open, now going for the button of his trousers.

He laid a hand on my shoulder, pulling down the strap of my dress, resuming the kiss. My thumbs rested on the hem of his trousers, pulling them down slowly as they hung loose on his bum. I smiled in the kiss, taking a step back out of the water.

He laid me down, his hand resting on my thigh. She threw my head back, getting my hair getting sandy.

The waves pulled up, surrounding us, and left again.

He leaned up, straddling me with his hands on either side of my head, his legs keeping me down. I sat up some more, enough to pull off his trousers, and went for his pants.

He pulled up my dress, still deep in the kiss, light fingers leaving goosebumps on my stomach. He thread his thumb on the inside of my knickers, before pulling those down around to my ankles.

He sat up, I rolled him over so that I was now on top, but still so his head wasn’t below the waves.

I pulled his pants down, my fingers trailing the head of his length.

He lifted himself up on his elbows, leaning his head back.

I opened up wide, putting him all into my mouth, as the waves crashed around us.

I gently sucked, feeling as if I did any harder, she would disturb the peace they felt right now.

He threw his head back, running his fingers through my hair.

A couple minutes later, his whole body twitched, the feeling of him reaching his high.

She pulled away.

“No. Not tonight.” I teased, leaving him on the verge of his climax.

I got up, and threw his pants and trousers at him.

“The stars look especially beautiful tonight,” I smiled as Harry was pulling up his trousers.

“There must be a mistake if you think those are stars” He reached towards me, grabbing my hands and pulling me next to him, the waves surrounding us, growing further In land.

I looked at him confused.

“Think about it for a second,” He smiled as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder as I laid my head on his chest.

A Romance with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now