Chapter Eighty-Two:

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"Remind me again why you booked a flight for 3 in the morning?" I mumbled groggily as I sat down in the seat.

"Because it means we get a full day to get settled in and stuff." Harry answered as he pulled his hoodie on over his head.

"Yeah, a full day of sleep." Normally I was a morning person. When the morning was a sensible time like 7 or 8 am, but being forced to wake up at 1am after an hour of sleep was torture.

"Once you get there you won't want to sleep." He flopped down into the chair next to me.

"Believe me, I will." I grumbled which caused Harry to laugh.

"You're so grumpy at this time of the morning."

"And you're stupidly happy. Go figure." I squeezed his hand to let him know I wasn't being mean before I rested my head on the head rest and tried to fall asleep. When it came to flying with Harry I always ended up sitting by the window, like when we first met. It was odd, but how it always happened to be. The plane was quiet at this time of day so it wasn't hard to fall asleep with Harry's arm wrapped around my shoulder.

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