Chapter Thirty-Nine:

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(3 months later)

"Hey babe" Harry's voice called down the phone.

"Happy birthday!" I called back. "I can't believe you're 19 now!"

He chuckled softly, his voice filling my ear. "Thank you. Neither can I. I'm jealous of you."

"19 is quite a good age." I grinned, even though he couldn't see. "How are your parents?"

"They're good, glad I managed to get home for a few days. They're all in bed at the moment." He whispered. "How are your parents?"

I looked out the window as the sun started to rise. The frosty ground was glistening in the early morning light. "They're good, still in bed as well. I'm about to go for a run so I thought I'd ring you before I went."

"Thank you for my present, it's brilliant. I can't remember the last time I had an all in one." He laughed quietly.

"It's alright, I'm glad you liked it. Louis told me you mentioned something about how you missed your old one so I thought 'why not?'" I chuckled.

"I thought he might have taken the hint. I can't wait to see you in a few days."

"Same, I miss you so much." I clutched the phone tighter in my hand as I rummaged in my bag for my iPod.

"I miss you too. Someone's just knocked on my door. I ought to go. I'll ring you tomorrow. Have a nice Christmas eve."

"I look forward to hearing from you." I breathed. "You too and have a nice birthday. I love you."

"I love you so much more." He laughed.

"Not possible" I giggled before quickly hanging up so he couldn't say anything else.

I pressed the ear buds of my iPod into my ears and clicked on a One Direction album. They'd accompany me on my jog this morning. I pressed play and quietly clicked the door shut behind me. My breath clouded in front of me as I warmed up, the cold, morning air fresh and tingly against my cheeks. Checking the time, I headed off, my thoughts only on the lyrics being sung to me and the beautiful scene of the brisk, winter morning as my feet pushed me off the ground.

(Morning of New Years Eve)

Harry was humming as he playfully slapped Louis on the head as he passed him. Louis was lying on the sofa playing some sort of computer game on the T.V. The room was filled with the sound of cars coming from the speakers. Flashes filled the room and the shouts of Louis when he won echoed throughout the apartment.

"Lilo, come and play me!" He called. Harry had given up after Louis beat him for the third time and had been playing along for a while. "See if you're any better than your boyfriend."

I flopped down on the sofa next to him and grabbed the controller Harry had abandoned not so long ago. "Bring it on Tomlinson." I said, softly punching him in the arm.

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