Chapter Twenty-One:

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Round tables were dotted around the court yard. Candles were in the centre of each table and the trees had lanterns hanging from them. The large, outdoor fire place was alight and the white table cloths were pristine.

Nate pulled out my chair so I could sit down and Harry sat down opposite me.

"Your menus." Nate said as he handed them out. "Can I get you both a drink?"

"Can we have champagne please?" Harry asked.

"Of course, I'll be back with your champagne and to take your orders in a minute." He smiled brightly, a trademark American smile and strolled off.

"Champagne? What's the occasion?"

"There's nothing to celebrate but my beautiful girlfriend and our wonderful relationship." He smiled.

"Fair enough" I laughed. "This is amazing. Thank you so much."

"It's my pleasure babe." He squeezed my hand on the table, then picked up the menu and flicked through the pages. I couldn't help but watch as he did it, the muscles in his hand flexing.

I picked up mine and had a look. Everything sounded so delicious.

We decided what we wanted and when Nate returned we told him. He popped the cork of the champagne bottle and poured us both a glass.

The night was perfect. We'd eaten fantastic food, had excellent wine and Harry was just indescribable. In the car on the way back to the hotel my head was rested on his shoulder.

"This is the best night of my life." I sighed. His hand was trailing up and down my arm, making the fine hairs stand up. The slightest touch of his had a maddening effect on me.

"Mine too. I'm so lucky to have you. You understand everything about my life. Nobody else would have been so calm about the paparazzi going mad on the way out."

"I'm lucky to have you!"

"Alright, we're both lucky" he laughed. The car pulled up outside our hotel and he helped me out of the car. A few people stopped and looked and I heard one girl sight to her friend "Look at her dress!" I couldn't help but grin to myself. The reception of the hotel was quiet, not many people were around at 12pm. The man at the desk smiled as we walked through.

"I can't wait to take that dress off you." Harry whispered in my ear as we stood in the empty lift. I'd pressed the button for our floor and found Harry's arms snaking around my waist from behind. His mouth was pressed against my neck under my ear.

I turned around in his arms and kissed him on the lips, the lift stopped and we fell out onto the corridor, I was still in his arms as he walked backwards to the door. I blindly fumbled in my bag for the key card and unlocked the door.

We stumbled into the room. I kicked my shoes off, bringing me back down to Harry's height; I threw my bag onto the sofa as we passed it, all of this happening with Harry still kissing me. We crashed through our bedroom door and into the bedroom. He stopped kissing me long enough to take one last look at me in my dress and then he unzipped the back of it. It slipped over my body and onto the floor, it landed in a pool of scarlet fabric.

I was left in my bra and pants. I unbuttoned Harry's shirt and it hung open. His jacket was slung onto the chair and his shirt and trousers soon followed. Before my dress got ruined I quickly hung it up. Moments later I was back in Harry's arms as we fell onto the bed, his mouth barely leaving mine for even a second.

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