Chapter Thirty-Five:

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I parked my car in the first space I found. The fresh green forest spread out on one side of the car park and the sand and sea filled the other. I stepped out the car to be greeted with the summer scent I grew up with. The smell of sea water and sea weed mixed with the smell of grass and soil from the forest. It's rare to find two contrasting scenes so close to each other.

The blazing sun, unusual for Wales, beat down on me as I slotted coins in the ticket machine. It buzzed and hummed as it processed and spat out the ticket to put in the car. I grabbed the ticket and went back to my purple beetle which glittered and shone in the sun light. Harry was stood next to it looking around. His face partially covered by his Ray Bans.

He was wearing red board shorts and a tight, white t-shirt. His tanned arms were crossed across his chest. He was leaning against my car with his legs crossed at the ankles. He had a beach towel rolled up and tucked under his arm.

I opened my car door and put the ticket on the dashboard near the steering wheel, locked the car and hid the key under the tyre so I didn't have to take a bag down to the sand. Our phones were safely locked in the glove box. "You ready?" I looked over the roof of my car at him.

He turned around to face me and grinned. "You bet." We headed over towards the beach, passing the café and ice cream shop that sold everything from ice cream to chips and inflatable beach toys.

We both carried our flip flops as soon as we got onto the sand. It was warm as it pressed up around our toes. We made our way to an empty spot near the rocks but close to the water. The sea was flat in the calm weather and the sun reflected off it at all angles, sending sunlight in all directions. There was not one patch of shade.

"This is really nice." Harry said as he spread his towel out on the sand. He pulled off his t-shirt and folded it up. His tanned, muscular chest was on display so I jokingly wolf whistled at him. He blushed and smirked at me.

I shimmied out of my shorts and pulled my top over my head. I was left in my black bikini. "It is. I used to love coming here." We both sat down on our towels and looked out across the sand and sea.

"Shall we go for a swim?" He asked. He tucked his sun glasses under his t-shirt.

"Yeah" I grinned as I did the same with mine. We both stood up and he looked at me, winked and called "RACE YA'!" He sprinted across the sand and headed towards the sea. I quickly followed and managed to catch up. We were both laughing as my arms wrapped around his waist. His hands gripped my arms as we splashed into the shallow water.

"It's cold!" I gasped. Harry then twisted around in my arms so we were facing each other and moved us further in. We were both laughing as we splashed around, practically wrestling each other. I was up to my waist in it when he won and managed to throw me into the water. I squealed and gasped as the cold, salty water swallowed me up.

Harry was laughing as I spluttered and wiped the sea water out of my eyes. I lunged at him and wrapped my arms around my waist and we both fell into the water.

"Shit!" he shouted as the water flooded up around his neck. "It's freezing!"

I laughed as he picked me up and tried to throw me again; I wrapped my legs around his waist so he couldn't and I linked my arms around his neck so I could hold on and not fall backwards. Because he'd tried to throw me in we both toppled over, my back hitting the water before we both went under and came back up coughing and spluttering.

"I'll get you back for that" he mock frowned. "Just you wait."

We floated out deeper so we were up to our necks. I lay on my back and closed my eyes; the sun was warming my face up from the cold water. A few seconds later Harry's hand linked with mine and I opened my eyes and carefully looked over to find him doing the same.

We lay like that with our eyes closed chatting about everything for quite a while, the sun tanning our skin as we floated around, moving slightly with the tiny waves that slowly rolled to the shore.

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