Chapter Seventy-One:

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"Scoot over" Harry whispered. The nurse had just left, the same one as earlier. She'd fussed around and swooned over Harry some more before leaving.


"Move over a bit. I'm getting in." He kicked his shoes off as he stood up. I grinned as I pulled the thin hospital sheets back, revealing the rest of my body in the hospital gown. My legs looked really, really tanned against the pristine white sheets, even though they weren't. I could deal with that. I eased myself over to the edge, making room for him, careful to avoid popping a stitch or something.

"Who'd have thought we'd be breaking the rules." I giggled as he climbed up.

"It's your fault. You make me do things I shouldn't" he winked and wrapped an arm around my shoulder pulling me into him. I softly slapped him on the chest.

"I'm offended. I'm an upstanding member of the community I'll have you know. You're the bad influence, you're the rock star!" I felt his laugh rumble through my hand that I hadn't moved from his chest.

He kissed my head and pulled the thin sheet over us. "You're right." We sat there in silence for a while. I was glad to be back in Harry's arms, I'd only seen him last night yet I honestly thought I wouldn't see him for a few more weeks as he'd be on the tour again, but he was here, in the small hospital bed with me and it was for all the wrong reasons, but he was here. "Hey…" he whispered, "um, when can I see your stitches?"

I couldn't help but laugh. He was like a child! "There's a bandage on them now" I explained. "But you'll be the first to see them when it's off. I think it's like a bowl shape under my ribs on the left side. That's what the nurse said it would be like. Plus a round bullet hole." I shuddered as I thought of the bullet hole.

"Ouch, sounds nasty. Do they hurt?" He stroked my collar bone slowly with his thumb.

"Nope. I'm dosed up with pain stuff. It works so well mind." I shut my eyes as the repetition of his thumb stroking my head lulled me towards sleep.

"I'm not surprised" he whispered. "Go to sleep Lilo. I'll be right here. I don't want to leave you again. If you can fly soon you're coming to Ireland with me and you're definitely coming on the bus with us. You're not leaving my sight."

"You know" I mumbled, beginning to fall asleep. "Nothing sounds better than that at the moment." I tucked my head further down into the crook of his shoulder and fell asleep.

A Romance with Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now