Chapter Fifteen:

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"We want you to come to America with us." Harry said putting his knife and fork down.

I looked at Bay in shock. "What?" I stuttered.

"We want you to come with us. Liam's taking Danielle so we thought we'd take you as well. The management will pay for everything, you both get along with Danielle and the other boys so we thought it would be fun." Niall explained.

"Seriously?" Bay asked.

"Totally" Harry and Niall grinned at the same time. "You up for it?" Harry said looking at me.

"Of course!" we both squealed. Harry hugged me and Bay hugged Niall. The boys laughed at our reaction.

"The thing is, you need to pack and be ready for Monday" Niall said.

"Monday? That's three days away! We have to go shopping Lilo!"

"I have no clothes! How long are we going for?"

"Three weeks. You can buy clothes out there; you don't need to buy everything now." Harry squeezed my hand.

"True. Oh my god I'm so excited!" I couldn't help but squeal again which made the boys laugh. They paid and we left.

"We'll be picking you up at 9am on Monday, try and be on time, Bay" Niall winked.

"I'll try, but I can't promise anything" She smiled.

We arrived at the boys apartment block and went our separate ways. I said goodnight to Bay and told her I'd see her at the house sometime tomorrow. Harry took my hand and led me back to his.

The living room with the glass wall was glowing a golden red as the sun set and filled the room. Harry unlocked the doors to the balcony and sat down in one of the chairs. Sitting on his lap I dialed my parents number. His arms were wrapped around my waist, his head resting on my shoulder.

"Hey, just to let you know, Harry has asked me to go to America with One Direction for three weeks on Monday. I said yes, I hope you don't mind. Their management is paying. I promise I'll come and see you as soon as I get home. I love you both, ring me back when you get this." They weren't in so I left a message.

The sun was turning everything golden. The remaining light kissed Harry's face making him glow like a god. At that moment my heart swelled with pride that I could call this beautiful human my boyfriend and that out of all the girls that chased him, he chose me.

I wrapped my arms around Harry's neck and kissed him.

"Do you think they'll mind you going with me? They haven't met me yet so they might not want you to."

"They understand how busy you've been and that you haven't had time. You've spoken with them both and they liked you so they shouldn't mind. I haven't met yours yet either, they don't mind do they?"

"No, they'll love you, just like I do" He whispered into my ear.

We hadn't said we loved each other yet. We'd been taking things quite slow; it's now, two months into the relationship, that he told me he loved me for the first time. I couldn't believe it! My heart speed up and my stomach flipped. I loved him too. Of course I did. I was crazy about him!

"I love you too!" I whispered back. I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"I love you!" we both whispered again at the same time. He kissed my lips, picked me up and carried me into his bedroom.

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