Chapter Fifty-Eight:

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The breath rushed out of me as Bay ran full pelt into me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, my ear drums also burst as she screamed with excitement.

"You're getting married!" She yelled over and over again whilst skipping around in circles pulling me with her. I couldn't help but laugh, her excitement was infectious. I pulled back to look at her, her usually pale Irish skin was slightly red with the end stages of sun burn, her long white blonde hair was pulled up into a pony tail and her large sunglasses rested on the top of her head.

I looked over to Harry who was sat on the sofa watching with a bemused expression. He winked at me as Bay squealed again when she saw my ring. "Harry! This is huge!" She gasped. I looked back when I felt her slipping it off my finger, I quickly clenched my hand into a light fist so she couldn't get it off.

"Nu-uh" I shook my head. "It hasn't come off since he asked and it certainly isn't now." I grinned.

She scowled at me before pulling my fist up to her face so she could see it closer. "It's beautiful" she sighed as she stared at it as though it were hypnotizing her.

"It is. But tell me about Europe!" I dragged her over to the sofa and directed her to the armchair while I flopped down next to Harry. His arm immediately went around my shoulders as he carried on texting on his phone. I noticed him taking a photo of my ring, where my hand was resting on his leg.

"Well…" Bay started. I got comfy as I knew she'd talk for ages. "Paris was…"

I lent against the door after I'd closed it. Bay had finally left after 3 hours of Europe and wedding talk. I'd asked her to be my maid of honor and to my surprise, she cried instead of screamed, before thanking me over and over again for giving her the opportunity.

"Lilo, come here" Harry called from the kitchen. 10 minutes before Bay left his phone had rang which he got up to answer in the kitchen. I took my jumper off the back of the sofa and slipped it on as I made my way into the other room. He was sat at the long, wooden table looking out the window.

"Yeah?" I sat opposite him and wrapped my bare foot around his ankle which caused him to smile.

"How would you feel about doing an interview with OK! Magazine?"

I gasped. "What?"

"They were just on the phone, they want to do an interview on our engagement with a photo shoot and everything." His face was expressionless as he waited to see my reaction.

"Woah…what did you say?"

This caused him to grin. "I said I'd ask my fiancée and get back to them.”

I mirrored his smile, it was hard not too. "Do you want to do it?"

"It's up to you babe, only if you want to." He squeezed my hand before spinning my engagement ring around.

"I suppose it would be fun." I laughed.

"So that's a yes?" He asked, making sure I was certain,

"It definitely is." I slapped the hand he'd put into the air for a high five as he redialed the number on his phone with his other hand.

"Hey Gloria, it's Louis…we'll do it." He told her while looking me in the eye.

I sat in the mirror as the lady did my make up. My lips were a glossy, pinky color, my eyes had a slight amount of dark eye shadow that made my eyes pop and plenty of mascara. I was wearing a simple black dress that sucked me in and made me look two sizes smaller than I really was and I was left bare footed, like Harry was.

Harry looked like a god. He was wearing black trousers and a white shirt that was unbuttoned a bit at the top with the sleeves rolled up, showing his tanned fore arms and chest. His hair was perfect and his very subtle make up he was forced to wear was hardly noticeable. He smiled a perfect, white smile when he saw me headed out towards him.

"You look amazing" he whispered into my ear.

"You too" I smiled.

We were in a large, modern apartment that had views of right across London as the sun was rising. The room was full of white furniture that emphasized the modern feel of the room. I was directed to sit next to Harry on the large white sofa and to "act natural" as they took photos. I was nervous at first, totally aware of the camera in my face, but once Harry told me to keep looking into his eyes everyone else in the room disappeared and it was just us.

"Can we have a close up of the ring please?" The photographer asked, in reply I placed my hand on Harry's knee and the man came right up close to take a photo of it. "Perfect." He called, his strong London accent filled the room. "I'm done, you looked great guys. Congratulations." And before I could say goodbye, he was gone, followed by his minions who hadn't said anything the entire time.

A tall woman in jeans, a white t-shirt and a cardigan came over carrying a clipboard and a Dictaphone. "Hey" she smiled kindly. "I'm Sasha, I'll be interviewing you today." She indicated to the sofa we'd just been sat on, "take a seat." She pulled up a chair opposite us, flicked the Dictaphone on and placed it onto the table between us. "So, first off, congratulations. How are you both?"

"Thank you. We're good thanks." Harry smiled. He must have realized I suddenly felt shy as he automatically answered for me, which I was very grateful for.

"So" Sasha began. I got the feeling she was going to be saying 'so' an awful lot. "How did you two meet? Lilo, can you tell us?" She looked at me, making me freeze like a rabbit in headlights. Harry's hand softly landed on my knee and squeezed it, giving me encouragement. I looked at him and smile before speaking.

"I was going on a roller coaster with my friends about a year ago and…um… I happened to be sitting by Harry, and we hung out that day and things went from there." I took a deep breath, why was I so nervous? It's not like I was stood on a stage in front of millions of people.

"So I take it you're both quite the party animals?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

I laughed nervously. "I'm not, I was get out by my friends, but Harry likes to go out every so often." I nudged him in the ribs; everyone knew he loved a good party.

"Interesting" She mumbled. "How did you find it getting to know the rest of One Direction?"

"It was fine" I smiled. "They're all really welcoming and great guys."

"Okay, and Louis, tell us about the all important ring shopping." She leant forward to slide the Dictaphone closer to him.

"Well, I was in Paris on tour last month and it was our day off. I'd already been away for a month without Lilo and I realized how much I missed her…" He squeezed my knee again and smiled at me. "So I thought why not ask her to be my wife so she'll always be mine? I asked Liam for advice, as he'd proposed to Danielle and he said to get a ring first. I dragged the boys through Paris with me until we found a ring we all agreed on, which was in Tiffany's. The boys opinion was very important to me as we're like brothers. I would never do something if they didn't think it was a good idea."

I listened to Harry, mesmerized as I heard this story for the first time. I forgot Sasha was in the room and was about to get Harry to tell me more when she interrupted.

"Wonderful, and Lilo, how did he propose?"

"Well…" I started, looking at Harry and smiling, before carrying on to tell her the rest of the story.

She asked plenty more questions, such as "Do you want children?" to which Harry quickly replied: "Maybe one day, we're going one step at a time." He knew it was the right answer and what she wanted to hear, even though we'd discussed it in the car on the way there that morning. We definitely wanted children.

She finished up the interview before thanking us and telling us the magazine would be out next week. She shook our hands, and left in a flurry of perfume and clicking heels, her large handbag spilling paper out of the top.

Harry and I changed into the clothes we'd arrived in and quickly left to go home and relax. It was a Sunday after all.

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