Chapter Eighty:

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It was almost as though that when the doctor told me I was pregnant he also told my body about it as well. It seemed to be a matter of days after the news that the morning sickness started and the cravings kicked in. Harry found it absolutely disgusting that I could eat banana's dipped in vinegar without being repulsed or violently ill even after spending about an hour that morning with my head in the toilet.

Four weeks later and I was finally beginning to show. I had a small bump that was noticeably due to being pregnant, not over weight, yet it was still quite small. The white shirts I wore to work tended to hide it, but my casual clothes were all getting a bit tighter across my stomach.

I was stood in front of the mirror checking my clothes when Harry called from the other room. "Lilo, you ready?" I took one last look at what I was wearing: skinny jeans, flats, a black t-shirt tucked in and a blazer before leaving.

"Yeah, coming." I grabbed my bag off the bed, threw my phone in and joined him in the living room.

"Let's go and meet our baby" he smiled. We headed to his car under the apartments and nervously made our way to the hospital.

The paper on the bed crinkled as I slid onto it and lay down, Harry sat in the chair by the side of the bed. He turned his phone off and slid it into his pocket, smiling sheepishly at the nurse who'd told him to turn it off when it buzzed away in his pocket.

"Can you pull your top up please" the nurse said kindly. She was a young woman, round and cuddly looking. Her brown eyes were round and innocent looking which contrasted with the sharp angles of her spiky honey colored hair. She fiddled around with the machine as I did as I was told. It still surprised me to look down and see a bump where there wasn't normally one. She tucked a sheet of blue tissue paper into the waist band of my jeans and folded it down so she wouldn't get any of the gel stuff on them. "This is going to be quite cold. I apologise in advance." Her eyes crinkled as she smiled. She didn't lie. She blobbed the gel on which caused me to gasp. It was like gooey ice being slathered all over your stomach! Not pleasant. She rubbed it around and placed the weird microphone sort of thing on my stomach. "This will feel a little weird." She moved it around slowly before tilting the screen around so we could both see it. Harry took his hand in mine and held it tightly.

"This is amazing" he whispered. I smiled at him and nodded.

"Here we are. It's a little grainy but this is the fetus" We both looked straight to the screen, no longer at each other. You could just make out the shape of the fetus in the conical black shape which was my womb. "We should be able to tell you the sex of the baby in about 6 weeks or so if you'd like to know."

I looked to Harry who was staring intently at the grainy image on the screen. "Do you want to know?" we both asked at the same time. He looked at me and laughed.

"Well?" I asked. "It's your shout. I'm fine either way."

"Can we not find out?" He asked. "I'd kinda like it to be a surprise."

"That's fine by me." I squeezed his hand and looked back to the nurse.

"That's fine, I'll write it on your notes that you don't wish to know."


"Ahh Nandos" Harry sighed. "I've missed you old friend." He pulled the door and held it open for me. "After you m'lady."

"How can you miss it when you were here yesterday?" I asked as we stepped inside.

"A Nandos addiction is a serious addiction. Once you get it there's no turning back." He winked.

The waiter who recognized Harry straight away took us to a table for two towards the back of the restaurant. "Back again?" he asked. It wasn't a surprise that this guy had seen him here before.

"Definitely" Harry grinned.

He handed us our menus and left us. Harry glanced at the menu quickly before putting it down. I raised an eyebrow in question.

"I know what I want" he smiled shyly. "It's the same every time."

I couldn't help but shake my head. "How don't you get bored of it? You should try something else for once."

"I did, I think I've had everything on this menu at one time or another. I've had it all."

"Then you come here far too often." I laughed.

Harry went up to order as I checked my phone. I had approximately 250 twitter notifications. God knows what was going on now. I went onto my mentions and read the ones nearest the top.

"@Lilo_Styles Is it true you're pregnant?"

"O.M.G @Lilo_Styles is pregnant! Harry is going to be a dad!"

"@Harry_Styles, @Lilo_Styles I can't believe you're going to be parents! So exciting!"

I was shocked. How did all these people know? Then another tweet came through.

"It's true. @Lilo_Styles and I are going to be parents. I'm so excited. We're finally going to adopt Louis!" It was Harry. I couldn't help but laugh at his attempt to stop things being discussed. We didn't want people to know yet so we were trying to stop people finding out. What had me confused was how everyone knew. I hardly ever wore anything to show it off, today was an exception; the only people we'd seen were the few hospital staff who I'm pretty sure had to respect patient confidentiality.

My phone flashed with another notification. "@Lilo_Styles, @Harry_Styles You bet guys! I can't wait to move in with you! Can I have a bike for Christmas? Please?" Louis had tweeted.

I went to reply but Harry returned to the table. "You saw then?" He asked, eying my phone on the table.

"Yeah, nice save." I grinned. "Very imaginative. It was nice of Louis to play along."

He nodded and checked his phone. "Yeah…what I'd like to know is who told them?" He frowned as he scrolled down.

"Perhaps someone saw us go in or something. Who knows." I took a sip of my drink as I watched Harry on his phone.

"I suppose. Hopefully that threw them off the scent a bit."

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