✎ DIY Detox Water ✎

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In this chapter I will be sharing with you some Detox Water ideas :)

Apple cinnamon detox water
The phytonutrients and antioxidants from the apple may reduce risks of developing cancer, hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. The cinnamon can lower blood sugar levels, reduce heart disease factors, and has many other health benefits.
Apple cinnamon detox water ingredients
- 1/2 gallon of purified water
- 1 thinly sliced apple (without seeds)
- 1 cinnamon stick (don't recommend powdered cinnamon because it clogs the water)

Slim down detox water
The cutting of the lemon is toned down by the smooth taste of the cucumbers, and the sweetness of the grapefruits help add a nice element of flavour. The double serving of the citrus in this tangy recipe helps provide a healthy dose of vitamin C, which is full of antioxidants and has many health benefits. Including protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease and even skin wrinkling.
Slim down detox water ingredients
- 1/2 gallon of purified water
- 1/2 lemon sliced
- 1/2 lime sliced
- 1/2 grapefruit sliced
- 1 cup of sliced cucumber

Blueberry and orange detox water
This isn't exactly a detox water, but if you can get in your water everyday, you'll increase your metabolism and flush your system. This recipe basically just makes the water flavoured. But mandarin oranges are packed in vitamin C which can increase metabolism and tone up skin. The blueberries are full of antioxidants and fiver making them a super food that makes you healthier and they naturally curb appetite.
Blueberry and orange detox water ingredients
- 1/2 gallon of purified water
- 1/2 an orange sliced
- handful of blueberries

Green goods detox water
This drink is very good for weight lose and cleaning your liver. Your liver carries many vital functions in the body, and its in the core of every metabolic process.
Green goods detox water ingredients
- 1 cup of chopped parsley
- 5 celery stalks
- 6 cups of water
- 3 lemons

Lemon, mint and cucumber detox water
The cutting of the lemon is toned down by the smooth taste of the cucumber. This drink provides a healthy dose of vitamin C, which is full of antioxidants and has many health benefits. Including protection against immune system deficiencies, cardiovascular disease, prenatal health problems, eye disease and even skin wrinkling.
Lemon, mint and cucumber detox water ingredients
- 1/2 cup of cucumber
- 2 lemons
- 10-12 mint leaves
- 3 litres of water

Thats it for today guys! Sorry its late! Remember to vote and comment if you have any questions or recommendations :)

Kaesha xoxo

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