✎ Things to put in your habit tracker ✎

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This chapter will include things you can put in your habit tracker, if that's what you are going to put in your bullet journal if you do one. (Read my 2018 DIY bullet journal chapter)

1. Didn't hit snooze button
2. Went to bed on time without going to phone in bed
3. Got target amount of sleep
4. Read a book
5. Had some me time
6. Didn't watch tv
7. Didn't spend any money
8. Electronics off an hour before bed time
9. Did yoga/meditation
10. Backed up phone
11. Ate 5 fruit/veggies
12. Exercised
13. Drank 8 glasses of water
14. Calories intake on target
15. No soda, junk food, alcohol all day
16. Period tracker
17. Washed makeup brushes
18. Cleaned your room
19. Learnt a new skill
20. Replaced makeup

I hope this helped you guys! Remember to vote and comment if you have any questions or recommendations :)

Kaesha xoxo

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