✎ DIY Teeth whitening recipe ✎

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In this chapter, I am going to share with you a recipe for whitening your teeth.

- 1 tablespoon of coconut oil
- 4 tablespoons of turmeric powder
- 2 tablespoons of baking soda

- In a small bowl, combine the 4 tablespoons of turmeric powder, 2 tablespoons of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of coconut oil.
- Mix the three items into a paste like mixture.
- Use the mixture to brush your teeth, the  allow the mixture to sit on your teeth for 3-5 minutes before spitting it out (its best to spit into a bin as the coconut oil can clog the your skin drain).
- Rinse with water until the water comes out clean.
- Smile and show them white pearls :)

This would be an extremely small chapter if I only used this so I am going to share with you some teeth whitening products.

- LUSH Boom Toothy Tabs
I haven't tried this but one review is 'the taste is shocking at first but it does work'.

- ARM & HAMMER Truly Radiant Whitening Toothpaste
One person has said that they also use Arm & Hammer's Advance White Baking Soda toothpaste but don't use it every day because of the baking soda so they use this one as well.

- LISTERINE Healthy White
This is probably the best one out of all of the Listerines.

- TARTE Pearly Girl Vegan Teeth Whitening Pen
I don't have this and I love everything from Tarte but I'm not sure how good this will be, considering their main products are makeup.

- HI SMILE Teeth Whitening Products
People on instagram are always posting about how good this brand is and frankly I believe them because their teeth are shining white.

- CURAPROX Black Is White Charcoal Toothpaste (with brush)
This product looks really good and all the before and after photos look really good.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Do you prefer my chapters longer or shorter?
Remember to vote and comment if you have any questions or recommendations :)

Kaesha xoxo

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