Chapter 14- The Lambert and the Glambert

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I turned around and saw...

Adam Lambert.

He was wearing a white chest down long sleeved shirt and skinny jeans. Damn, he just looks so hot.

I was shocked. "heyy!!!" I gave a smile that almost seemed forced. I already succeeded in not remembering him, and he just had to show up there.

Seriously, is he stalking me?

"I told you I'll see you again." he smiled and walked closer to me.

"So... you stalked me?" I joked and crossed my arms.

"Maybe I did." he teased and laughed. That laugh is so cute.


What am I thinking???

"What are you still doing here?" I asked. I mean, I expected that he was back in LA where he lives his famous life. I didn't want him to leave but I was just surprised that he was still here.

"Ouch! I guess you don't want me here then." he frowned and pretended to be hurt.

"No!" I laughed. "I just- I thought that your time here ended. And you need to be back in LA." I explained.

"Oh, no. I pleaded for a vacation from my manager and fortunately, he accepted... After long hours of debating." he rolled his eyes.

Wow. A vacation... here?

A day in LA would be the greatest vacation for me.

Maybe we should switch places.

"Ohh...." I nodded to show him I understood it.

"Well, what are you doing here?" he gave me a full smile.

"Well, I'm-" I was about to speak when Alice came outside.

"Hey Mandy, do you-" she spoke casually to me until she tilted her head and saw Adam.

She looked up at him in shock, totally speechless and stiff. I couldn't even begin to imagine what was going inside Alice's head to be in front of her idol and love of her life. She must be mentally passing out.

Adam gave a little wave "Hey!"

Then he looked at me like Do you mind introducing us?

It was like a telepathic conversation.

" Oh, um.. Adam, this is Alice..." I jumped and introduced them to each other.

"Heyyy...." Adam smiled nicely at Alice.

"And Alice.... I'm sure you know Adam well." I teased and Adam gave me a little devious grin.

"Oh my gosh, can I just pass out right now?" Alice finally spoke up and walked closer to Adam, her mouth agape.

She must really feel like dying right now. If she squeals at Adam's pictures and songs, what more with the real live Adam Lambert in person? If that was me, I would've already passed out. I was really happy that my Glambert best friend can meet Adam in person. I know how much she wants to.

"Well that would be bad." Adam pouted. "Cause I want to take a picture with you." Adam smiled nicely and gave me a quick look. Then he took out his iPhone.

Oh yes, Adam and his charm.

"Oh my god." Alice said, her body still stiff. I could see that she was really speechless. She must really really be obsessed with Adam.

"Is it okay?" Adam asked and held out his phone for a selfie.

Duh. The girl's almost dying.

Of course, it's okay to have a picture.

"Oh my gosh, yes!" Alice exclaimed and Adam put his arm around her.

And thus, the selfie has been taken. *British accent*

"This is a nice photo." Adam said and looked at the picture, smiling. "I'm gonna post this." he smiled widely.

"Oh my gosh, you are my idol and the love of my life." Alice couldn't help it and suddenly just burst out.

"Aww... I love you too, hon." Adam gave a sincere smile.

Oh so now you seem gay.

Gimme a break.

Then he and Alice hugged.

"Oh I need to go." he checked his phone. "Bye Alice, nice meeting you." he waved at Alice and before walking forward he walked beside me and whispered in my ear.

"And I'll be seeing you, later." his breath touched my skin and made me shiver.

My cheeks flushed and became instantly red.

He gave me a devious smile and walked away.

Damn this guy indeed.

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