Chapter 36- Can't stay mad at you

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Mandy's POV

"Mandy!" I heard Adam knock on the door in frustration.

I kept my gaze on the movie I was watching. To be honest, I wasn't even watching it. I was just staring at it, but my mind was still full of Adam. Full of my anger, frustration and the urge to open the door.

No, Mandy.

Let him be.

"Mandy! I know you're in there. I can hear the TV." he called out, still knocking so loudly.

"Uhhh...." Alice looked at me, checking my expression.

I told her what happened between me and Adam. Of course, since she's my best friend, I tell her everything. She desperately urged me to just forgive Adam, countless times. But I wouldn't give in. I was still mad.

"Don't you dare, Alice." I warned her. I knew that she was dying to open the door and let Adam in.

"But-" she pleaded.

"Nope. Just let him be." I kept my stare on the TV.

Do I seem too rude?


So what?

But what if Adam gets offended?

Psh! What do I care.

"Mandy! C'mon." Adam pleaded softly, his knocking seized.

"I'll go to the bathroom." Alice said awkwardly and locked herself inside the bathroom.

But the fact is...

I do care.

"Please." he spoke gently.

Adam... Don't do this to me...

Don't draw me in with your charm.

"Just- hear me out." he pleaded, his voice tired and desperate.

No, don't do it Mandy.


Before I knew it, my hand was on the doorknob, turning it.

I was met by Adam's blue eyes, his cute freckles and his perfectly styled hair. I've missed those little things about him... I just wanted to kiss him, right there. No, Mandy. Don't play easy to get,

I kept my stare cold and my face hard as a stone.

"I'm sorry, Mandy." he looked up at me, his eyes full of apology.

"About what?" I asked rudely, as if I didn't know.

"About neglecting you. Look, I never meant to do that. I'm not even gonna say my reasons. Because I know that you don't need to hear them. All I want to say is..." he sighed and looked deep into my eyes. "I'm sorry."

I didn't budge. I just kept my face cold.

"I'm really sorry, Mandy. I love you." he took my hands, sending tingles up my spine. I've missed touching his hands. " I love you, and I'm willing to give up my career for you."

"I thought we were in this together, Adam. I knew it. I knew it would never work." I said, trying not to cry.

"It can work. I just haven't been much of a real boyfriend to you. I shouldn't have been so selfish. I love you, Mandy." he tightened his grasp on my hands and leaned closer to my face.

Wow. He said boyfriend...

Mmmm.... I guess we're official then.

He looked into my eyes with so much desperation and apology.


How can I even stay mad at you?

I just gave a small smile. "I love you too." I pulled him in for a kiss.

And just like that, I fell for his charm again. No matter how mad I get and no matter what I do, I'd still fall for him everytime.

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