Chapter 58- What to wear?

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Mandy's POV

I went to my bedroom, my hair wet because I've just taken a shower. Adam was at the couch, watching in my small and crappy television... on my small and crappy couch... at my small and crappy apartment. Yep.

"Are you ready, Addy?" I called out and put on my black bra and lower underwear.

"Hey, I've been ready ten years ago. I should be asking you that question." Adam answered.

"Well, I'm not ready yet." I shook my wet hair with a towel to dry it off. "I'm afraid you'll have to wait ten more years for me to finish." I joked.

"I was expecting that." Adam entered my room and jumped on my bed. Actually, I'm still in my underwear. But I didn't bother to care, even if I was fully naked. I mean, Adam's not a psychopath pervert... At least not much on the psychopath part.

"You look so hot." Adam commented and leaned on his elbows, fully observing me.

"Shut up, you perv." I joked and rolled my eyes. Then I opened my closet, searching for something to wear. It was already Peter's funeral and we were on the way to the airport to France. Man, as cheerful as I look. I'm still bummed about his death...

"What are you gonna wear?" Adam tilted his head to look at me.

"I don't know." I sighed. Ugh. Clothes. I have tons of them... but only 1% of it is wearable for the funeral.

"Your underwear's black. That's cool." Adam teased, trying to prove his point.

"Yeah. Ha-ha." I rolled my eyes.

Adam stood up and searched the closet with me.

"Oh, what about this one?" Adam gave me a black dress. It was actually a cocktail dress. But hey, it's black, isn't it?

"Yes. Thanks." I gave a wide smile and put it on.

I looked at the mirror and fixed up my brown hair, prompting it up to give it more volume.

I exhaled and faced Adam, who was lying on the bed. "How do I look?" I raised my arms, like in welcome.

"As cute as a cupcake." Adam spoke in a cute British accent.

"Thank you." I beamed with confidence.

"C'mon." he quickly stood up and handed me my small handbag which contained my phone (for twitter purposes), powder, lipstick and my money.

"Okay." I smiled and we walked out of the room. I locked the door, then we continued on out the apartment, practically sprinting.

I looked at my watch. Dang it. 8:30. The flight's at 9:05.

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