Chapter 78- Nirvana

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Music boomed the place and lasers flashed through the scene. People were chattering aloud with each other.

Mrs. Parks decided to throw us a humongous party for being at the top 100. Which is actually already in the Top 50 today,two days after it got out.

Wow, just wow.

I mean, for our song to get on the top 50 after two days. Wow. And I mean, it's not even our song. It's just a reenaction. Wait...


Is that even the right term?

Meh. Whatever.

"Hello superstar." I heard Alice's voice from behind me, followed by a giant hug.

"Oh my gosh!!!! Where have you been?" I squealed and gave her a tight hug.

"Oh, sorry if I couldn't reach you. My mom just so suddenly wanted me for a vacation. And that vacation is like in Tim buck two or something. Um... no signal. And it's like super irritating. But it was fun. I'm cool with my parents now." she told her story.

"Wow." I gave a wide grin.

"But enough about me..." she smiled and gestured her arms at me. " I mean, look at you. I've been gone for like six days and suddenly, you're a top charting superstar!" she gave me a shocked and squealing-fangirl look.

"Oh c'mon. It's still top 50." I blushed.

"Yeah. After two days." she sat beside me at the bar then ordered a tequilla.

"And ho-ho. Your voice blends so well with Hottie Lambert over there." she smirked and pointed at Adam, who was talking with other people by one of the tables. He noticed us and I saw him excuse himself.

He walked towards us.

"Oooh, he's coming." Alice smirked.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes and she laughed.

"Heyyy! What's up?" Adam greeted Alice cheerfully. "Where have you been?"

"It's a long story, hon." Alice waved her palm at Adam.

"Well, I mean... how are you doing?" Adam asked and put his hands on his hips.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking. You know, just drinking tequilla..." she raised her shot glass and gulped it down quickly. If there's one thing I know about Alice, it's that she becomes drunk instantly. Like... reeeaaally instantly. "And maybe later on, I can go make out with a guy or something."

"Dude, seriously?" I laughed.

"Yep. I'll go dance, wanna come?" she invited us both. Ok, she is definitely drunk already.

"No thanks." I shook my head and chuckled.

"What about you, Mr. Lambert?" she gave a devious smile at Adam.

"I-I'm good." Adam grinned nervously.

"Ok. Your loss." she whipped her hair and turned around. Then she walked to the dance floor. And after a few seconds, she was already dancing with a guy. Yep. That's my best friend.


"Is she..."Adam asked.

"Yep. She's drunk." I sighed and shook my head.

Adam laughed. "Well, how's our newest superstar?" he sat beside me and put his arm around me.

"Still pretty shocked." I chuckled.

Adam suddenly kissed me. The kiss was long and it felt so endless. He placed his hand on my face. I could tell, from the taste of his mouth, that he had a few drinks. Kissing a drunk guy.


But not just any drunk guy.

I'm kissing Adam... the drunk guy,

He bit my lower lip softly and continued to kiss me continuously. I felt so breathless.

Then he pulled away.

My eyes were wide. "Woah! Where did that come from?" I smirked.

Adam chuckled. He's not really that drunk yet. But he just had a few shots, probably.

Suddenly, I heard Adam's song play .

I've heard it before...


"Shall we dance, my lady?" Adam stood up and took my hand.

"Of course." I chuckled and followed him to the dance floor.

I wrapped my arms around Adam's neck and he wrapped his arms around my hips. His face was so close to mine. And even though I can smell the alcohol, I can still smell his alluring and powerful scent. I felt it wrap around me.

He smiled.

Oh dang.

That smile.

When the stars are too cold

Frozen over the glow

On the edge of the night

We can be their light

So give me more than your touch

And give yourself to the rush

Just keep holding my hand

As we're taking off

I know where we'll land

I didn't take my eyes off of him. I just let the music and his beautiful and enticing blue eyes carry me across the dance floor.

We can escape to a higher plane

In Nirvana stay

Where the dreamers lay

I'll lay you down, lay you down

Safe on a higher plane

In Nirvana stay

Where the dreamers lay

I'll lay you down, lay you down

"This is such a perfect moment." I smiled, not taking my eyes off of his. Music played at the background.

"It is. Just being close to you..." he looked at me and smiled. "Like this."

Oh, we don't need any diamonds or gold

Watch the mystic and cryptic unfold

As we fly high

"I know you said you really weren't interested in other guys." Adam sighed.

"But please keep that promise." he smiled.

My heart melted.

"Of course." I leaned forward, my face like an inch away from his. I had to tiptoe because he was so tall.

"Good." he smiled and kissed me.

I will NEVER break that promise, Adam.

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