Chapter 117- Recording

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"Sound... Soundcheck." I could hear Adam's voice through the earphones.

"Can you hear me babe?" he smiled at me through the glass window.

"Yep." I smiled back.

I was in Cardiff Studios for a day of making some music. I looked around me. Red velvet walls, isolated and air conditioned room, a microphone in front of me, headphones on my head, and people outside telling me what to do (By that, I mean Adam, his manager and a few other people).

I'm so excited to make music.

I've been making songs since I was fifteen. At first, my songs were just plain crappy. But as I practiced, I got the hang of it. And, not that I'm bragging, but some are good enough to make the cut. I told Adam about it and in turn, he told his manager. And his manager said that he would listen to my songs after this first recording. Because, today, we're just recording a cover for "Ain't it fun by Paramore".

Then after that, Adam will go away for a talk with Glee's producer and I'll stay with his manager for a while because he said he was going to introduce me to my new manager. Then, he'll leave to go to Adam and I'll be left with my "new manager" as we talk about my album.

Dang... Albums, interviews, managers, recordings...

Just what I've always dreamed of. And now it's here.

"Okay Mandy, once you hear the music, just sing into the mic. Kay?" I heard the voice of Adam's manager and I saw him through the window, fiddling with some stuff on the DJ board.

"Okay." I smiled and leaned in closer over the mic.

"Uh... lean in closer, honey." Adam's manager suggested.

I did as he asked.

"Now, try to speak." Adam looked at me and back at the DJ board.

"Soundcheck." I spoke.

Adam gave me a smile and a thumbs up.

Soon enough, music started playing and I started singing.

(Soundtrack play- Ain't it fun by Paramore)

After I finished, Adam started clapping and cheering wildly like the dork he is.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"That... was perfect!" Adam's manager said.

"Okay... we're good." he looked at me. "But can you repeat the chorus and second verse?"

--------- So, okay. To sum it all up, I repeated the song for twelve times, with voicings and stuff already of course.

"Okay..." Adam's manager let out a big exhale as he finished listening to my track.

"Wooh!" he leaned on the back of his chair. "It's perfect." he smiled.


"You can come out now, Mandy." Adam called me.

Wooh! That was tiring.

I walked out of the room and Adam greeted me with clapping hands.

"How'd I do?" I breathed a bit heavily, like I've been working out for a while.

"You tell me." he grinned and led me to the DJ board. Adam's manager lent me one of the headphones and I put it on my head.

I listened to it.



It sounds really good.


I put down the headphones when I finished.

"Well?" Adam smiled widely, his arms open.

I blushed and chuckled, looking away.

Adam's manager chuckled. "Told you it was perfect."

"And after our very own DJ does a few tricks on the song, it'll be more than perfect." Adam's manager stood up and stretched.

"You are amazing." Adam exclaimed and he gave me a big hug.

"Hmm... What time is it?" Adam's manager grunted as he stretched his body.

"4:37 pm." Adam let go of me and looked at his watch.

"4:37?!" Adam's manager's eyes widened.

"Yeah. Why?"

"Adam, we need o be at the studio by 5:00." he started to pick up his jacket and his things.

"What about Mandy?" Adam asked.

"Oh yeah... Mandy, go to Starbuck's nearest here. Smith texted that he's already there." Adam's manager hustled.

"Okaaayyyy..... Uh... Who's Smith?" I asked.

"Your new manager." he said and walked out the door. "C'mon Adam!"

"Okay... Gotta go." Adam looked at me.

Then he held my hand, looked into my eyes and kissed me. His kiss sent small shocks to my body that made me want to just melt into a puddle of goo.

"C'mon, you stupid Lovebirds." I heard Adam's manager groan.

Adam pulled away and sighed.

"Um... I think you need to go." I grinned.

"Yeah." he chuckled.

"Bye." he walked away.

Then he turned around.

"I love you." he gave a half smile.

Oh. My. Gosh. Did he just say that? With a perfect turn? In a perfect moment?

"I love you too...." I muttered, speechless.

Then he walked out the door with a smile.

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