Chapter 17- I can't resist you

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Closing Timee!!!

Dan called and started to fix the kitchen. Mrs. Dixon was in her office counting the sales and inventory while I decided to sweep the floor.

Ugh. The trash these people leave here.

It was quiet, and so was my mind. It wasn't thinking about Alice, my life or Adam. For the first time, my mind was blank and I just stared at the dust and trashes that I swept away. Then I decided to take off my uniform and dress up my casual clothing that I brought. I didn't want to walk home in a waitress dress.

Once I finished dressing, I sat by the tables to fix my hair and stuff.

Knock knock

There was a sudden knock on the front glass door. The person wasn't seen because it was too dark.

Sheesh! The sign says closed, for pete's sake.

Dan and I exchanged glances and I opened the door.

I was met by the tall, and attractive.... Adam Lambert.

Of course, he just had to show up.

"Heyy." he gave a cute and small 'hey' and opened his arms.

"Oh my gosh, what are you doing here?" I asked and looked at him. He was wearing orange contacts at the moment and just a simple gray shirt... and of course, skinny jeans.

Damn... Whatever he puts on just makes him hotter.

"I told you I'll be seeing you." he raised his eyebrow and looked at me.

I remembered that moment at the mall where he took advantage of my confusion and whispered close to my ear. I shivered. Just the very thought of it makes me tremble... and it sucks.

I became stiff again and he chuckled.

Damn you

"Anyways, I kinda want to take you out." he smiled that hypnotizing eyes of him... that was now, orange.

"Um... didn't we already do that the other night?" I smiled shyly. Yeah, that night. When my heart suddenly fluttered from his deep eyes looking into my eyes and almost kissing me.


Adam does that to me. He does those tricky and heart-fluttering moves that completely hypnotize and take over me. And can I stop it?


"Yeah." he shrugged his shoulders. "But tonight's different. Trust me." he looked deep into my eyes.

I thought of Alice's advice. Maybe I should savour these few moments with Adam. I might regret it if I say no...

"Um..." I was tugged between two thoughts: YES or NO. That's all. That answer might change my life.

He smiled with pleading eyes.

"Fine." I chuckled.

I can't resist you...

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