Chapter 62- A few words

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The priest spoke the rites into the microphone. Peter's coffin was in front of him. Everyone was miserable, obviously. I was sitting beside Kent's wife, Lisa. She had her head leaned on my shoulder as she sniffed and sobbed. I was glad that I was able to at least contribute some comfort.

Lisa's three year old daughter, Denise, was seated on Adam's lap since we had to make some space.

Denise seemed to be too young to understand what was going on. She just sat there, staring at the objects around her and nudging Adam, asking stuff about them.

Adam looks cute with kids.

"Can we ask Mandy Bright to give a few words about Peter?" the priest looked at a piece of paper and scanned the place.

Wait, what?

I ain't good with no speeches.

No. Do it for your brother... AND PETER.

Adam smiled at me and I stood up. I looked over at Kent, who gave me an encouraging smile. His eyes were more sore and swollen this time from crying.

I took the mic and looked at the room. Eyes of different and unfamiliar people stared directly at me. Crap.

I took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, I haven't prepared a speech but..." I grinned.

Nope. No reactions.


I cleared my throat.

"Peter was my favorite nephew. Not because he was my only nephew..." I chuckled and I saw Kent chuckle as well. Adam smiled and shook his head, facing the ground. " But because he was probably the best kid I've ever encountered. We weren't able to talk to each other much. Because we barely saw each other, since he's here in France..." I felt tears were about to come out from my eyes, but I kept it in. "But, in that two day vacation that they stayed in America... I felt something I haven't felt in a long time. A feeling of innocence, purity and just... sheer happiness. In those few days, I became a child again. He taught me that life isn't as hard as it looks. That we, adults, just look at life negatively. And that maybe, if we try to see the good side of things, we'd discover that life isn't as bad as it seems." Tears rolled down my cheek as I remembered Peter's sweet face. "Peter was like a cat... in the middle of a Tiger pack. Small, inferior and young... but most of all, UNIQUE." I gulped down the sadness that wanted to suck me in. "I don't know why he died. Is it fate? Is it destined to happen? Is there a reason? I don't know. But maybe Peter is an angel. A temporary angel who came down from heaven to remind us that life isn't as bad as it seems." I smiled, tears rolling down my cheek. I sniffed. "And, people, that is Peter. He's an angel from heaven."

I handed back the mic to the priest. He smiled kindly at me and I gave a small smile too.

I headed back to my seat, my knees weak. I just wanted to burst out crying. If I could, I would.

Adam squeezed my hand and I looked up at him. He gave a small, comforting smile.


I immediately felt my sadness ease up.

Thanks for being there...

I wanted to kiss him right there...


That's disrespect.

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