Chapter 20- The opening act

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The rooftop was vast and a whole scene was in the middle of it.

A white clothed dining table was there at the middle with two plates on top of it. How did they even get that up here? A little stage was there too, a mic and amplifier on top of it. Two candles were there on the table too. They weren't lit though. Probably because the wind of the night was too strong.

If you'd look at it, it's quite simple actually.

But being there with Adam made it extremely perfect.

"Wha-" I asked and smiled in shock.

"A a a..." he stopped me and ran up the stage. "That's not all." he grinned.


That's not all?

This was perfect enough.

He clicked the amplifier on and the mic let out a stinging noise. Music started playing.

Where's that coming from?

Okay, it doesn't even matter...

Have you lost your way...

Living in the shadow of the messes that you made...

And so it goes,

Everything inside your circle starts to overflow...

His perfect voice rang inside my head as he sang. I couldn't even move, since I was too star struck.

He really sounded so great. Why haven't I checked his songs?

Take a step before you leap,

Into the colors that you seek,

You'll get back what you give away...

So don't look back on yesterday!

He grinned and walked closer to me. My heart beat faster, my feet were glued to the floor and I felt myself stiff.

Wanna scream out, no more hiding...

Don't be afraid of what's inside...

Gonna tell ya, you'll be alright...

In the aftermath...

He was already in front of me, and he looked down at me. My heart tightened as he sang so perfectly and passionately. He brushed my cheek and smiled.

Ugh... His charm.

You feel the weight,

Of lies and contradictions that you live with everyday...

It's not too late,

Think of what could be if you rewrite the role you play...

Three people suddenly walked out from the dark. I never noticed them before. One guy, who was blonde, held a bass. A girl held a guitar. And the other one was by the drums. A light reflected on them and they smiled at me. So that's where the music came from. I exclaimed inside my head. It seemed like they were in on it too.

Adam grinned and led me to the stage, his hand in mine and his eyes not leaving mine.

Anytime anybody pulls you down...

Anytime anybody says you're not allowed...

Just remember... You are not alone...

In the aftermath!

His voice was so perfect.

"Wow." I said in shock when the song ended.

He grinned shyly and the three people behind him walked over to us.

They all smiled at me. I guessed that they're Adam's friends.

"Oh, first let me introduce you all to..." Adam held my hand and faced them. "Mandy."

They all greeted me with smiles and small waves.

"Mandy, this is Tommy..." he gestured to the blonde guy. Tommy took off his black hood.

"Hey." he smiled. I felt like I've seen him before...

But where?

He looked so familiar.

"Uhm... Have we met?" I asked him to confirm my thoughts.

He chuckled. "I was the guy at the cafe. Adam asked me to check on you." he looked at Adam like he owed him so big.

Oh yeah...

He was the guy who asked me if I knew Adam Lambert...

That's right...

Then I thought...

Aww... Adam asked to check on me.

How much sweeter could he get?

"Oh yeah, I knew I saw you before." I exclaimed.

"This is Ashley..." he gestured to the girl beside Tommy.

"Hiii..." she did a little wave. "Adam talks about you non stop, by the way." she giggled and added.

I laughed and I saw Adam blush.

Ooohhh.... Adam's blushing...


He cleared his throat to signal that he was extremely embarrassed and just wanted to change the subject as quickly as possible. "And this is Isaac."

"Hey." he gave a small wave and put his hand in his pocket.

"These are my bandmates." he gestured to all of them.

"Adam pleaded us to help in throwing this elaborate surprise date." Tommy blurted out and chuckled.

"Anywaay!!!" Adam interrupted him before the subject was further elaborated.

"Anyway, don't worry. We won't be here long." Isaac added.

"We're just the opening act." Ashley giggled.

Opening act?

There's more?

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