Chapter 41- Am I fired?

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I knocked on the door, Tommy and Mandy impatiently waiting behind me.

It was opened by a muscular man in a leather jacket. He looked big enough to be a body guard. Maybe he is a body guard...

He looked down at me and I felt like a dark shadow loomed over me. Wow, and I thought I was a giant.

"Adam Lambert?" he asked, his voice harsh and manly, like a wrestler's. Scary dude. Now, I really feel like I'm in one of those movies.

"Uh... Yeah." I answered, a bit frightened. Damn, this guy can totally break me in half if he wanted to.

"Come in." he opened the door a bit further.

"Uh... We'll wait here, Adam." Tommy squinted his eyes, probably creeped out by that big, scary guy as well.

"Yeah..." I nodded. I knew we had the same thought in mind. You're dead, Adam.

And entered the room. I was completely shocked on how grand and vast the hotel room was. There was a golden chandelier at the center of the ceiling, purple silk drapes hung by the windows, white carpet laid flat on the floor, and every single design fit the room. Whoever owns this hotel must be freaking rich.

"Sit down." I was surprised by Mrs. Parks' voice. I didn't notice that she was actually sitting in one of the white velvet couches because the light was so dim.

"Oh.. Um... Sure." I still had a shocked look as I sat at one of the red velvet chair in front of her.

She looked at me sternly, not saying anything. Scary...

"You know, Mr. Lambert..." she started. Okay, here goes. "I must say, I was really offended of what you said to me the other night."

"Look, Mrs, Parks, I'm so sorry, I-" I tried to apologize but she cut me off.

"If you may, Mr. Lambert. I'll be doing the talking here for now." she raised one eyebrow.

My heart beat faster. This is really scary. Like not ghost scary...

Mrs. Parks scary.

"Of course." I nodded.

"As I was saying, what you said the other night was highly inappropriate. You didn't just speak to me, you spoke to all those producers, writers and agents who were there that night. You spoke to all those people who can make or, definitely, break you. I don't know what went inside your mind when you said those. You risked your entire career, your entire life... for what? Some girl? Some girl whom you probably have just met? It was very impractical of you, Mr. Lambert. You could lose your entire career." she began to sermon in her British accent, with so much sternness and class. I never noticed her accent before. Apparently, it's more noticeable when she's firing you from your career.

I looked at the ground. I messed up, big time.

No, Adam. It's worth it.

"And yet you won't." she said. Wait... what? I looked up. " What you said the other night was highly inappropriate, yes. But it's just inappropriate enough to prove how much of a great artist you are." she smiled and her face lit up.

Woah, woah, woah... What???

Seriously? Was she messing with me this entire time.

I scoffed, speechless.

"You proved to me that you are an independent artist who don't listen to what people, like us, say. You stand by your own beliefs, your own norms. And, Mr. Lambert, that's all you need to impress me." she grinned.

I immediately lit up.

Wow. Okay... What the heck?

I couldn't explain the relief my heart reached when she said those words of encouragement.

"Oh my god." I smiled widely, my heart racing. "I.. Thank you so much, Mrs. Parks. I can't even... Wow." I couldn't find the words to express what I was feeling.

"You'll reach great things, Mr. Lambert. Great things. And I'll make sure to be the start of that. We will discuss about those after your vacation." she smiled. The way she said 'after your vacation' made me chuckle a bit. Yeah, I did tell that, that night.

"Of course! Thank you so much." I exclaimed.

"Now, may I meet the girl?" she gave me a devious smile.

At first, I didn't hear her right so I asked. "What?"

"The girl. The one you told us about that night." she spoke with much class and formality. Like a queen.

"Oh, of course." I smiled widely.

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