Chapter 91- Evil

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I woke up to the sound of people talking; not really a crowd but more like two or three people talking. I just woke up so I didn't sink in their voices yet and my mind was just too confused.

Oh dang, where am I?... Again.

I squinted my eyes. It looked like I was still in a gray room, a really dark room with a source of light from somewhere.

Is everything in this apartment effin' dull?

Well, it IS an abandoned apartment, stupid.

I groaned, not realizing I was in room full of kidnappers.

They stopped talking.


A figure walked up to me.


Suddenly, cold water splashed on my head. It wasn't just your average cold water... IT WAS FREAKING ICE COLD. My whole body jolted up, and all my sleeping organs started working.

"Gah!" I yelped, the cold water dripping on my legs from my hair and face.

Once the cold water settled on my skin, I started to shiver.

It was so cold. And I think the room was air conditioned.

My eyes shot open and I looked up at the figure that splashed ice cold water on my freaking body.

I looked up to see Ashley, looking down on me with a sad frown. And she seemed to give a small smile like 'Hey dude, I'm sorry if I kidnapped you and splashed ice cold water on your body in this air conditioned room. It's just the way it is'

Like 'What?'

I mean, why is she even doing this? Is she irritated about those pranks I do to her? Is she mad because I kinda owe her ten bucks from when I last went grocery shopping?


"Hey Adam!" an enthusiastic voice came from behind me, and two hands were placed on my shoulders.

I wanted to turn to see who it was but my body was tied tightly to the chair.

"I thought you'd never wake up." she laughed. "How was the quick shower? I swear, you reeked. So I just wanted to give you a nice splash." I could tell she was smiling.

I felt like I was in one of those cartoons where the bad guy cackles evilly at his hostage and says something really clever.

"But between you and me, I like your smell...." she whispered close to my ear and inhaled my scent.

Gawd. Who is this?



Let her voice sink in.

"As for now, we're gonna go grab some lunch." she walked in front of me. I looked up...

I was shocked.

"We injected a drug on you that won't let you starve so... don't worry sweetheart." she gave a devious smile.





I was speechless.

"And of course.... I'm not THAT evil so... I'm gonna let you have some time alone with your girlfriend." she made a disgusted face.

"...before I have her... you know, killed." she said it so casually like killing someone was just a hobby.

Wait.... Girlfriend?

Does she mean Mandy?

Please don't let her say it's Mandy.


"Dan." she called out and a fat middle aged guy walked to her, his head down.

"What?" he sneered.

"Untie the ropes..." she smiled widely and raised an eyebrow.



Dan walked up to me and gave me a sad look... and suddenly, he punched my stomach hard.

I yelped in pain. It was just one blow but I felt like it turned my stomach inside out and I felt my vision blur out.

Then he untied the ropes that held me and I just fell on the floor, weakened and spitting up blood.

"Bye babe." Alice grinned and walked out the door, Dan and Ashley following her.

The door was wide open. I could make a run for it. It felt so close...

But I couldn't.

My beat up body wouldn't let me... My vision was turning black, my head becoming dizzy and my mouth tasted of my blood..,

And I just slowly passed out.

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