Chapter 31- Another threat

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"Will I be seeing you later?" I asked before getting out of the car.

"Yeah." he gave a forced smile.

Well, I've got a bad feeling that we won't be seeing later again.

That's bad.

Nope. Pull yourself together, Mandy.

He's famous and wanted... Wanted in a good way.

You should understand that.

So I just gave him a reassuring smile. "Okay, bye."

Then I gave him a short kiss on the lips. "That gets better everytime." he grinned, looking into my eyes with electric and hypnotizing blue eyes.

I giggled and got out of the car, watching him drive away. Guess I'll be seeing you later...

Probably not.

I shook away my emotional state and put on a smile, entering the cafe.

"Good morning, sport!" Dan was wiping one of the tables when he greeted me with an enthusiastic wave.

"Hey Dan." I put on a small smile and set down my bag by the chair that was at the back, near the kitchen where Dan works. Then I flipped the Closed sign to Open.

Soon enough, people started to flood inside the cafe.



Single people...



All just chattering, laughing and having a great time.

It's what I love the most in working at Chisels Cafe. I get to observe these people's lives. Of course, not in a creepy, stalking manner. I just like seeing people laugh, talk to each other and all that stuff. Keeps me uplifted. Sometimes, I would take a few moments to just stare at people and all that stuff.

The time passed by quickly. Soon enough, it was already five am.

I decided to check my phone first, before going home. Maybe Adam will pick me up... Or most likely,not.

There were two messages:

Hey Mandy,

I'm sorry but... I can't

pick you up today as well.

I'm so so sorry. I'll make it

up to you. I promise.


I sighed. I was right. We really won't be seeing each other. I know that being with Adam in the morning must be good enough. But I just can't help but miss looking into his blue eyes, running my hand through his hair and hearing his voice.

Gah! Stop being obsessive, Mandy.

Shut up.

I told you to stay away from him.

You're really a sly little pain in the ass.

I already warned you once. And since I

don't really want to hurt you...

I'll give you another one.


Get it? That's the last warning.


The last message gave me goosebumps. There it was again. Another threat. It was from the same unknown number. I have already forgotten about the last threat he/she gave me. I didn't even bother to tell Adam, because he might just worry.

Whoever it was, must have some real obsessive fan girl issues.

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