Chapter 126- Tell him

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My phone vibrated loudly inside my pocket. Ironic right?

I checked it to see that Ashley was calling. I looked at Adam, who was searching through the clothes racks full of black, gothic and leather coats and jackets. We've been shopping for clothes for five hours already. Adam told me that we must look our best so he also helped me pick some stuff.

And I gotta say, he is pretty good.

"Hey Adam..." I called him.

He rotated his head to face me.

"I'm just gonna take this okay?" I waved my phone.

"Okay hon." he smiled and went back to scanning the clothes rack.

I went outside the store and plugged my finger into my other ear to be able to hear Ashley because the mall was pretty noisy.

"Hey Ashle-"

"OH MY GOSH! MANDYYYY!!!" Ashley's voice rung through the phone in a loud, ear drum destroying tone.

"What? What?!" I panicked.

"MANDYYYYY!!!" she kept repeating.

"What the hell, Ashley? Spit it out!" I said, irritated.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. It's just that... I heard from Tommy that he heard from his friend that he heard from this dude that he heard from Adam's manager that Dylan is coming to the party!" she said it so quickly that I only picked up a few words.

"Oh... Good God, Ashley. I thought you were on fire or something." I exhaled, relieved that that was what she wanted to say and not that she's in trouble or whatever.

"I'M SORRY! I was just shocked. The minute I heard it from Tommy, I immediately grabbed my phone to call you. Why are you not panicking?!" she screamed.

I had to distance my ear from the phone to prevent myself from losing my sense of hearing.

"Because! I already know." I explained.

"Oh." she suddenly sounded calm.

"Well... have you told Adam?" she asked.

I sighed, looking at Adam who was asking the saleslady for sizes.

"No..." I frowned.

"Well... Do you plan on doing so?" she said, with the sound of chips crunching in the background.

"No... Yes... GAH! I don't know!" I groaned and turned the other way so I don't have to look at Adam.

"Well, I already gave you advice. I know it's hard telling him, Mandy. But he'll understand. In time, he'll get used to it. He's probably gonna get angrier if you don't tell him now."

I took a deep breath.

"UGGHHH... I can't! I just can't..." I screamed in desperation, ready to cry.

"Be strong, hon. You can do this. I need to go. Isaac just texted me on my other phone. He says he wants  me to go to his house." she grunted. "I swear, if he's gonna consult me for his problem, I am going to walk out. Like heck, I am not a Problem Solver."

"Well, bye hun. Talk to you later."

"Bye..." I smiled and hung up.

I looked at Adam and took a deep breath.

I walked towards him...


This is it...

I'm gonna tell him...

Ashley's right...

"Hey!" Adam smiled when I was already in front of him.

Dammit! I can't do it.

"Heyyy...." I smiled back.

"Who was that on the phone?" he grinned.

"Why? Are you jealous?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Well, Maybe I am." he said matter-of-factly.

I chuckled. "'It was Ashley, doofus."

"Ohhh.... Good." he joked.

"Found anything good?" I asked, scanning the racks.

"Yeah. The other leather jacket is Gorgeous." he said with a wide smile.

"Good." I smiled.

This is such a perfect moment. How can I tell him at this present perfect situation? I might break his heart... or he might break Dylan. Dang...

Nah. Adam's not like that.


"Hey, are you okay?" Adam furrowed his eyebrows.

I realized I was thinking to myself again.

"Um.. Yes! Of course, why wouldn't I be?" I smiled enthusiastically and moved to the other clothes racks, farther from him.

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