Chapter 120- Little White Lies

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What the fuck am I gonna do? Should I tell him that Dylan, THE GUY THAT I KNOW HE DESPISES VERY MUCH is my freaking manager? Or should I just make an imaginary made up manager named "Jose"? 

Yeah. Jose. I'll say that Jose is an immigrant from Mexico and he has come to Los Angeles for a new job. And Adam's manager chose to gave HIM a job because he's... Talented? And he's a fat, short and bearded man who wears silk long sleeved shirts... and silk pants. Aaaaand, he has gold and silver blings around his neck and wrists. Oooooh... Aaaand, he also has big stacks of cash.



Hmm... Sounds more like a Mexican drug dealer than a manager to me.

"Had fun?" Adam jumped on the bed next to me and imitated my body position. I was on the bed, laid chest-flat and leaning my elbows on the red velvet pillow.

"What?" I snapped out of my childish nonsense.

"What's up?" he chuckled and leaned his chin on my shoulder.

Like a puppy begging for food. Well, I ain't giving him nothing. XD

"What?What do you mean 'what's up'? Nothing's up! I'm just... you know, thinking about stupid girly and weird stuff blah blah blah," I panicked.

Gah! Mandy, too obvious.

Adam was about to say something but he hesitated. Instead, he looked at me like I was crazy.

"Um... Are you okay?" he gave a suspicious grin.

Shit. Mandy, you are one stupid little kid.

"Um... Yeah!" I smiled enthusiastically. "Never better."

Adam still didn't remove his suspicious look at me.

"Are you sure?" he asked again and removed his chin from my shoulder. Good, it was getting heavy anyways. 

"Yeah..." I smiled.

Adam pursed his lips and didn't talk for a while. Then, he shrugged.

"Mkay." he gave a half smile.

Okay. Everything's gonna be alright.

As long as he doesn't ask about my new manager.

"How was the manager?" he asked and fiddled with the tassels of the pillow.


"Um..." I hesitated as I searched for an answer. Dang, what am I gonna say???

"He's good..." I looked from side to side.

"Judging from the tone of your voice, I can see that he's not really... GOOD." he emphasized the word 'good'.

"Um... well, he's really great. He's very um..." I tried to search for descriptions; descriptions that weren't too obvious.

Adam looked at me intently, waiting for a decent answer.

"He's... great! He's very experienced in creating sounds and music. He's... Really great." I avoided Adam's eyes.

Shit. Am I seriously lying to Adam? What have I become???

No. I'm not lying. I'm simply shutting my mouth to avoid the consequences that may harm all of us, physically and emotionally.


Adam knitted his brows and looked into my eyes, trying to get me to spit out the right words.


I avoided his gaze.

"Mandy, you know you can tell me anything, right?" he said with concern as he put his hand on top of mine.

"Yeah, of course. That's why I do..." I grinned uncomfortably.

Dammit. Mandy, of course you don't. You're lying to the most adorable man on this planet.

Adam just kept looking at me; like he wanted me to just blurt it out. It was like he was hypnotizing me to just be honest.

I'm sorry, Adam.

Adam was about to say something but I quickly sat up. "Um... I need to go take a shower first. I think I reaaally reek right now." I chuckled.

"Yeah, okay." Adam said, his tone disappointed as he looked away and focused on the tassels of the pillow.

GAHHH! ADAM, Don't do this to me. I'm only lying for everyone's own good.

I bit my lower lip and walked to the bathroom and closed the door.

Author's note: Oh my gosh guys. IT HAS BEEN A LOOONG TIME, I think, SINCE I LAST UPDATED. I'M SUPER SORRYYYY... THE SCHEDULES ARE JUST SO PACKED. But I am doing the best I can to update cuz I love ya guys... AND I LOVE ADAM

But srsly, I'm really sorry.

Now, thank you for all the comments. Like, whenever I read your predictions and compliments, I get all giddy.

I love ya guys. KEEP THE GLAM! ♥

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