Chapter 111- Mr. Closet Cute King

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"How are you doing Mrs. Dixon?" I smiled.

People were already starting to leave the cemetery because it was getting late and some people lived far away. Only us and Dan's close family relatives stayed.

"I'm fine dear." she smiled back.

"It just won't be the same without Dan. I mean, he's not just an employee. He brought happiness to our cafe somehow. A light and cheerful aura..." Mrs. Dixon gave a forced smile.

I sighed.

She's right.

Dan was really unexpectedly fatherly. I mean, he has tattoos on his arms. You'd suspect he was an ex convict.

But when he talks and smiles at people... He brings a different kind of cheer.

"By the way, how are you doing, dear?" Mrs. Dixon rubbed her eyes and smiled.

"I'm fine too, I guess." I shrugged.

"You know, from the moment you worked at the cafe, I already knew you were destined for great things." she gave a small smile.

Yeah... You probably noticed that my being tardy and late most of the times was the sign of my being destined for great things.

"Just- be careful out there in the big world dear." she looked into my eyes. "Many people will bring you down. Many people will break your relationship..." Mrs. Dixon shifted her gaze to Adam, who was playing with some of the children by the grass (SOOO CUTE), and back to me.

"Many will break you to pieces."

"But you've got to take those pieces, get some sturdy glue and stick yourself back together. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise." she told me.

I hope I can actually put her advice into actions when the time comes...

"Well, I need to go." Mrs. Dixon sniffed and stood up. "By the way, if you don't mind, I got you a replacement already."

I chuckled. "Okay..."

"I'll see you soon again dear." we hugged each other one last time and she walked back to her car.

I'll be missing her.

I'll be missing everyone here for that matter.

"Hey Addy." I approached Adam who was talking with Dan's four year old grandchild, Jason; about bananas and ants I think. Adam was cross seated and Jason was on his lap.

"Hey." Adam looked up at me, smiling, and so did Jason.

"Hi Mandy!" Jason ran to me and gave me a big hug, which only reached my thighs actually.

"Hi Jason! How are you?" I gave a full smile and leaned closer to him.

"I'm good. I'm talking with Adam about ants and if they eat bananas." Jason answered in a casual and high pitched voice like Ants and Bananas was a normal topic.

"Oh really?" I smirked at Adam. He just gave me a cute smile.

"Uhuh!" Jason nodded, his soft hair bouncing.

"And what have you learned from Adam?" I hid a laugh.

Suddenly, Adam pounced on Jason and lifted him up, spinning him around. Jason laughed wildly.

"He learned that ants eat anything! Ants even eat little boys like you." Adam stopped and Jason was still laughing.

What could be cuter than this???

"No they don't dummy!" Jason chuckled.

"Yes they do!" Adam laughed and tickled Jason by sniffing his armpits.

Jason laughed wildly.

I laughed as well.

Seriously, what could be cuter than this???

"Jason!" his mother, Andy, called him.

We all stopped, still laughing a bit.

"We need to go!" Andy approached us.

"I'm sorry Mandy and Adam. We really need to go. His father's gonna get mad again." she rolled her eyes.

"Okay." I chuckled and we both hugged each other.

"Bye." I smiled.

"Nice meeting you." Adam grinned, his hands on his pockets.

"Bye guys" Jason pouted.

"Hey, what happens to sad boys?" Adam kneeled next to Jason.

"They get eaten by ants." Jason giggled.

"Right!" Adam started to sniff Jason again, making him laugh wildly.

Then he stopped and let go of Jason.

"Bye guys!!!" Jason waved at us enthusiastically as they walked back to the car and drove away.

"That was highly adorable, Mr. Closet Cute King." I wrapped my arms around his neck and grinned.

"That was supposed to be my secret attribute." he wrapped his arms around my hips and smiled.

I just laughed.

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