Chapter 1

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Rinz's POV:

"Riiiiiiinz! Wake up! We have to get to the airport early!" My brother, Marco shouted from the kitchen.

And that was my cue to get up. I quickly got up from my bed to find something cute to wear. No, we were not going to travel, we were on our way to pick up four of our close friends from the airport. They decided to move to Madrid this year because all of them were called up to play for the best club in the world. Yes, you thought right. It's Real Madrid. My brother is still in shock on how 4 of his close friends that have been playing football with him for 5 years now are going to play in the same club as him. He finds it amazing how they all met up in the U-17 Spanish team and big clubs like Real Madrid started noticing their talent.

I went through my closet to find the right thing to wear, but nothing seemed to catch my eye.

"Rinz, damn it come on we are going to be late!" Marco knocked on my door. "Can I come in?"

"SURE!" I yelled from my closet.

"Why are you not dressed yet..." he said coming into my room. "Out of all days that you get ready early, you cannot get ready quickly today?"

"I don't know what to wear." I frowned walking out of my closet.

Marco sighed and walked into my closet to find something for me. Marco and I are very close, we always have been since we were kids back when I scolded Igor (my other brother) for changing the Real Madrid jersey on Marco's teddy bear to an Atletico Madrid jersey. He loved that teddy bear a lot because it gave him hope that he would play for his favorite football club one day, and looking at him now, his dream came true. Ever since then Marco and I have had each other's backs and always defended one another.

"How about this?" He asks as he pulls out a maroon colored shirt and a pair of ripped jeans.

"Um, no something else..." I say.

"Rinz! We are going to be late!" He sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair. "Since when do you even care about what you wear or how you look like? You are the type of person that would walk into a fancy restaurant with sweats and a hoodie and not give a damn."

"I haven't seen Borja, Marcos, Jesus, and Dani in a while, I think I should look presentable." I simply said.

"Or is it because Dani is there and you want to impress him?" Marco asks crossing his arms and raising his eyebrows at me.

"Don't be silly. How many times do I have to tell you that nothing is going on between me and him?" I ask while I continue to look through my clothes.

"For as many times that it will take until you admit you like my best friend." He said rolling his eyes.

I roll my eyes back at him and ignore him.

Okay so maybe there is something going on between Dani and I. Dani has had a crush on me from the moment he literally laid his eyes on me, which was 5 years ago when he and my brother were playing in the U-17 Spanish national team. I attended my brother's first match with that team and ended up meeting Dani. Ever since then, his teammates noticed he had feelings for me so they would sometimes tease him whenever I was around him, but I thought they were acting like kids. I never really was convinced that Dani had a crush on me because I never believed "love at first sight" was real, I always thought it only happened in movies. Dani never denied that his teammates were lying when they told me Dani was into me, he would just tell them to be quiet. I never believed he actually liked me until that moment when his team (Real Betis) played against my brother back in March. After that game, Dani hung out with us a bit so he can catch up on things with us since he lives 4 hours away from Madrid. I do not know why but during that night, I realized that he was different from any boy I have ever met. Something about him caught my attention. My cousin, Gori would call me an idiot sometimes for not going out with him since she could tell he actually liked me. I do not know what pushed me to do this that night, but I am glad I did; I told him that night that I thought he was cute and I wouldn't mind giving him a chance at being my boyfriend. We were standing outside my house, the street light shining above us, when I told him that I would give him a chance at being my boyfriend since I could tell he actually liked me. He had a shocked expression and that soon changed into a smile creeping onto his face. I still remember his smile that night, it is fresh in my memory. It was the biggest, most beautiful smile ever. His white teeth were visible, his eyes were sparkling, and he smiled so wide that there were crinkles by his eyes. He gave me a passionate kiss where we both felt sparks and then he had to leave that night with his team to go back to Sevilla. Ever since then, we have been texting each other and video chatting. Nobody actually knew about us except for Gori, we wanted to keep us a secret for a bit because it was weird of us dating from a long distance even though we were in the same country, we were also worried to find out about Marco's reaction. We agreed that once he transfers to Real Madrid and plays for the club, we both will talk to my brother about our love to each other. Now, I am finally meeting him again after a couple of months of us secretly dating and I must admit, I'm nervous.



I show Marco a casual outfit I have. It's a black top and floral skirt.

"Okay yes, I like that." Marco smiles at me. "Now get ready PLEASE!" he says as he leaves my room.

I quickly go to my bathroom to brush my teeth and brush my hair. I decided to let my hair down normally and I added a little makeup. I am not a makeup person, but damn the things I do for Dani... I walk out of the bathroom and put on my outfit. I look at myself one last time in the mirror and smile proudly at my work. I walk out of my room and run downstairs to Marco.

"MARCO! I'm ready!" I shout as I put on my flats.

"No breakfast?" he asks.

"When I come back, no time." I shrug.

"Here." he throws an apple at me.

"Thanks." I smile at him and we walk out.

"Good morning cuses!" Gori greets us outside. "What took you two so long, God."

Marco points at me. "Her fault." He said as he walked to his car.

Gori looks at me and smirks. "Not bad missy, you look cute. Ceballos will likey this." She laughs.

I push her lightly. "Be quiet oh my God."

She stops laughing and looks at me seriously. "Rinz do I have to go? Marcos will be there, ugh."

Marcos is Gori's ex-boyfriend. They broke up because Gori found him cheating on her with a girl he likes to call Paddy. Ever since their break up, they haven't talked to each other much, but they tried to keep their friendship on good terms since he is friends with my brother, Marco.

"Yes Gori, you can't run away from him forever you know."

"You're right, damn it." She sighs.

Marco then honks the horn at us to get his attention. He both walk to his car and hop in. Throughout the whole car ride, I couldn't help but think about Dani. He was on my mind and he couldn't seem to leave it. I was too busy thinking about him too much that I did not notice Marco parking his car in the airport parking lot and turning it off.

"We're here already?" I ask.

"Yes hermana, if that isn't obvious.."

We get out of the car and walk into the part of the airport where people wait for the travelers to arrive.

"Chill girl, you two have been waiting for this moment for a long time now. It will all go smooth and perfect do not worry." Gori says while smiling at me.

"Thank you, you always make me feel better. I do not know what I would do without you." I smile back at her.

"THEY'RE HERE!!!" Marco shouts at us as he runs up to four of his best friends.

That's when I saw Dani and we made eye contact for the first time in a while...

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