Chapter 48

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Angel's POV:

"So where are we going?" Rinz asks me.

"Movies." I answer her.


"Why are you speaking less with me?" I playfully raise my eyebrow at her.

She stays quiet and doesn't answer me. That's when I start to worry.


"Do you have a crush on me?"

I slam the brakes on the car and look at her, shocked.

"Angel! You can't just stop your car in the middle of the road for no reason!"

She was right, but I didn't know what I was thinking. I was not in the right state of mind. I pull over to the side and look at her.

"W-what did you ask me?" I stutter.

"Do you like me more than a friend, Angel?" She stares at me.

Crap. How was I suppose to answer a question like that?

I sigh and turn my body over to the front so that I am looking at the road ahead of me. I grip the wheel tightly.

I knew that she would find out sooner or later that I like her and we would have this talk, but this was definitely not the way I wanted her to talk to me about my not so little crush on her.

"Angel?" She lightly reaches over to touch my arm. "It's okay if you do."

"I do." I mumble in a low voice.

She lets go of my arm and fiddles with her fingers. She had no idea what to say.

How awkward can this get?

"You've loved me for how long?"

"Ever since we were kids." I sigh looking ahead.

"And why didn't you say anything to me about it?" She whispers.

"Because... Everytime I tried to tell you I chickened out." I tell her.

We both stay in silence and don't speak. She continues to fiddle with her fingers and I continue to look ahead of me.

"I tried dropping hints for you every now and then." I confess to her.

"Yeah, I realized that. I'm thinking about everything now and I'm putting all the pieces together."

I let out yet another sigh and close my eyes.

"I'm that mystery girl?" She randomly asks me.

I look at her and then turn my head away from her, nodding my head.

"Madre mia." She says running her hands through her hair. "And when you came to comfort me the time Dani broke up with me... you liked me?"

"Yes Rinz! I liked you during that time and I liked you before that time and I definitely like you after that time too. I don't remember a moment where I never stopped liking you. I always find an excuse to come visit you, see you, talk to you, hang out with you, hell... to do anything with you! But you were too blind to realize that."

"You should have said something." She says bringing her head down to look at her fingers in her lap.

"Would you have went out with me if I ever told you about my feelings towards you?" I asked her.

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