Chapter 60

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Andre's POV:

I am sitting down on a chair next to the bed Rinz is resting in. She's currently sleeping. She's been feeling down all night long and to be honest, I was too, but I didn't dare to show it when she was awake. I had to show her all of the positivity in me so she wouldn't stress herself more than she already has. Her family came to visit her last night in hope to support her, but it failed so they ended up leaving early so she can rest. I break away from my thoughts once I felt Rinz stir in her sleep. She flutters her eyes open in my direction, making me the first thing she sees once she wakes up. She gives me a small smile.

"Good morning, babe." I say caressing her hair. "How are you feeling?"

"A little better."

"Good, keep laying down."

"Where's the doctor?"

"She should be coming in to check up on you anytime now."

She looks down at her hands and nods her head. "Andre, I'm scared."

"Don't be." I say grabbing her hand. "You're strong, and I know our daughter is like you.. strong. She'll fight through it. I know it."

"I hope so."

A couple minutes pass by before we hear someone knocking at the door.

"Come in." I yell.

"Hello." The doctor says walking in the room. "How are you feeling today Rinz?"

"Better than last night."

"Good, good, that's good." She skims through some of the papers and files she has in her hands. She puts them down and turns to us. "Let's take a look at the baby now shall we?"

I felt Rinz tense once those words slipt out of her mouth.

"Yes, let's take a look." I answer her.

She nods her head at me and starts to set up the ultrasound. I squeeze Rinz's hand that I haven't let go for the past- well I lost track of how long I have been holding it for.

"No matter what happens, it will be okay." I tell her.

She slowly nods her head at me with scared eyes. I kiss the top of her head and rub her arm to comfort her, which seemed to work a bit. The doctor sets everything up and looks through the screen as she moves the device against Rinz's stomach. This has got to be one of the most intense moments of my life.

"Well? What do you see?" Rinz asks her.

"Well, I see the baby." She says putting down the device and turning her attention to us.

"And?" I nervously ask.

"It's heartbeat is fine."

I hear Rinz let out a sigh of relief.

"So she will be okay?"

"Yes, but your wife needs absolute rest."

"Thank God." I hear Rinz whisper.

I rest my forehead on hers and smile at her like an idiot. "What did I tell you?"

"Bea is strong."

"And you are too."

"One more thing." The doctor says.

We both turn our attention to her.

"W-what?" Rinz asks, going back to her nervous self.

"You may want to consider changing the name of your baby." She tells us.

Rinz furrows her eyebrows at her while I give her an annoying look.

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