Chapter 26

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Rinz's POV:

I put my empty paper plate on the counter since I finished my slice of pizza. I am watching Nacho and Carva fight over their game of FIFA. It was Friday and Marco decided to invite some of his team mates over to enjoy some time together. I'm flying over to Italy tomorrow and I still haven't made up my mind on what the hell I should do. Getting extremely frusturated at myself, I get up from the couch and pick up the empty paper plates that were lying on the table so I can throw them out.

"Rinz! Stay I'm about to beat Carva's culaso... for the third time in a row!" Nacho says.

"YOU ARE SUCH A CHEATER!" Carva says throwing the Xbox remote controller to the side.

"Hey! Be careful with that!" I scold.

"I need more pizza. I'm grumpy." Carva says walking out of the living room and heading towards the kitchen.

"Finally, I can play now." Gareth says grabbing the controller Carva threw.

"Nacho, hand me over the controller." Mateo says.

"Can we do 2 on 1?" Luka asks.

"Sure I can win against both of you guys with my eyes closed." Gareth says.

"Ha! Oh, it's on." Mateo challenges him.

I walk to the kitchen and throw the plates in the garbage bag. I noticed it was full so I decide to take it out to the trash can outside. As I throw the garbage out, I saw Isco coming my way.

"Hey, are you okay?" He asks me.

"Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I say, trying my best to put on a smile.

"You can't fool me." He says throwing his cup in the trash. "Do you need someone to talk to?"

"More than you can imagine." I say rubbing my forehead.

He grabs my hand and drags me to the stairs outside so we both have somewhere to sit.

"I'm a good listener, talk." He says.

"I need advice. I don't know what to do my mind is imagining about a 1,000 different senarios."

"I can try my best to give you good advice."

I take a deep breath in and slowly let it out before talking. "My love life is a mess." I blurt out.

"I had a feeling it had to do with love." He says.

"Isco, I don't know what to do. Dani talked to me the other day and he explained to me why he cheated on me. I would tell you the whole story, but I can't because I told him I wouldn't tell anyone and I lied, I told Gori. She says she doesn't believe Dani and I shouldn't trust him again, but I believe him. And, I don't know if I like Andre the same way he likes me. I think I still have feelings for Dani and I'm trying my best to get over those feelings because Andre is such a great guy, any girl would love to have him as their boyfriend. I don't want to hurt Andre's feelings because I know he is really into me. I feel like I was forced into that relationship and I wasn't thinking clearly when I agreed to it or I agreed to the relationship a little too soon." I blurt out my feelings to him in one breath.

"Wow, um. So, from what I understood is that you want to break up with Andre but at the same time you do not want to hurt his feelings because you still aren't over Dani?" Isco asks.

I slowly nod my head. "I was thinking of doing that, but I don't know. Andre will be crushed, Gori will hate me, and things between me and Dani will be so complicated." I say covering my face with my hands.

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