Chapter 34

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Rinz's POV:

"I had so much fun with you these past two days." Andre tells me.

"Me too. We'll do this soon again." I say wrapping my arms around him.

Andre drove me to the airport so I can catch my flight to Abu Dhabi so I can meet up with the players and everyone else.

"Soon is so far away." He says pulling me closer to him by the waist.

"It will pass by fast." I caress his cheek with my hand. "You finish your matches quickly and I'll finish my finals fast and then we can stay together until 2018."

"I cannot wait for Christmas break." He says looking into my eyes.

"Me either."

I look at the clock on the screen. 12:35 pm. If I don't get going, I will miss my flight. Andre looks at the direction I am looking at and notices the time.

"I'll be counting the days until I get to see you again. 11 more days."

I smile at him and hug him really tight. "I love you so much."

"I love hearing you say that. I love you too."

I pull away from the hug to look at him. My hands were still around his waist and his hands were resting on my waist too. I go on my tiptoes to plant a kiss on his lips. He lifts me up so that I can kiss him properly since he was so tall. I'm 5'2 and he's 6'1 so, comparing our heights with each other, there's a huge difference, but I loved it. We pull away from the kiss and he puts me down.

"You should get going before I carry you back home with me." He chuckles.

I laugh at him and nod my head. As I walk away I hear him call my name.


I turn around to look at him. "Yeah?"

"I'll see you soon." He smiles at me.

"I'll see you soon." I smile back at him as I repeat the same words he said.

In Abu Dhabi...

The taxi man drops me off at the hotel and places my luggage for me on the ground. I thank him and I make my way into the hotel. I walk up to the reception as I am greeted by a cheerful man.

"Hello Miss, how may I help you?" He asks me.

"Um, I have a reserved room with a three other girls. My name is Rinz can you tell me which room I am in?"

He nods his head at me. "Just a second." He types some things on his computer and I wait for him to tell me which room I should go too.

"RINZ IS THAT YOU?" I hear someone yell behind me.

I turn around to see who it was and I see Toni.

"Toni!" I yell out.

He runs up to me to greet me. We hug and make small talk for a while.

"It's okay sir. I'll show her where her room is." Toni tells the man at the counter.

I put one of my bags on my shoulders and I roll the second one on the ground. The flight made me so tired. I hate airplane flights so much.

"Give me that." He shakes his head at me because he notices how worn out I am.

I walk with Toni down the halls. He leads me to the game room.

"This is my room?" I sarcastically ask him.

"No, but Gori is here. She was challenging one of Borja's friends to play a game with her. I think his name was James or something."

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