Chapter 6

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Rinz's POV:

"Hello," I say answering the phone.

"Hey Rinz!" Angel cheerfully says through the phone.

Angel is one of my closest friends ever. Well, he's Marco's friend, but he's my friend too. Marco has four close friends in Mallorca that he has known since he was a baby (Javi, Bertto, Brandon, and of course Angel). They are all close with each other and consider each other brothers since they have known each other since they were babies. The best thing about their friendship is that each one of them gets along with the other's family members. Angel happens to be the closest one I am close with out of the boys. He is like my second Gori, I tell him almost everything and we are always there for one another. He was there for me when my mother passed away. He stayed with me throughout the whole week comforting me. He was my shoulder to cry on, who would tell me everything I missed at school, and who would try to get my mind off of things.

"What's up?" I ask.

He said something, but I could not hear him because all I heard was "OH MY GOD SKSKSHSISKS NO FREAKING WAYYYY!!!" Raveen screaming as her and Gori jump up and down fangirling. I'm guessing she found out about Bori. I walked out of the room and into the lobby to talk with Angel, that way I can hear him clearer.

"Okay what was that?" He laughed.

"That's Raveen and Gori fangirling." I say.

"You know, I am very bored right now. You suck for leaving me alone in Mallorca, couldn't you have taken me with you?" He asks.

"I told you to buy a ticket and come."

"I'm brooooooooke." He whines over the phone. "But at least I got to spend summer with you. It was fun." I could feel him smile over the phone.

"Yeah, it was." I smile at the floor.

"I misssss youuuuu." He starts singing over the phone.

"Oh please don't start that." I begin to laugh.

Don't get me wrong, Angel has a really great singing voice, but right now he is just annoying me and is practically screeching through the phone. He even knows how to play the guitar. Me and him used to take music classes back in high school and we were always partners. We were considered "the best" in that class since we both have been singing for quite some time together. We like to do random covers or singoffs together and post it on our youtube channels.

"I misssss yourrrr smile." He continues to sing, more like scream over the phone.

"Okay I will hang up. Bye." I say joking.

"Okay, okay." He laughs. "Hey, by the way when are we going to do another singoff? People on youtube liked our previous one."

"Definetly when you come over to Madrid soon." I say.

"Okay, deal. Oh, and what were Raveen and Gori fangirling over?" He asks curiously.

"Oh, they were fangirling over how Gori is not single anymore." I say.

"Wha-? Gori isn't single anymore? Who is dating her? Oh my God." I open my mouth to answer him, but I close it immediately as he starts talking again. "She's back with Marcos again?!" He asks curious.

"No, she's dating Borja." I state.

"Mayoral?" He asks.

"Yes, what other Borja do we have around here?" I ask.

"There are over 2,498 Borjas in Spain." He says.

"What..? How do you know?"

"I don't, I just took a guess." He laughs at his stupidness. "So, I called to tell you about "Rinabellos" but I think Borja and Gori are the actual thing happening." He says.

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