Chapter 43

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Rinz's POV:

"You know what? I think you lied to me. You like Dani more, you always did and you always will! Stop lying to me and acting like you actually care about me when you don't! I'm breaking up with you Rinz."

"N-no! Andre please don't!" I beg him. Tears were rolling down my face.

"I can't deal with you anymore."

"Babe, let's go." I hear Dani whisper in my ear.

He wraps his arm around my waist and tells me to walk with him. When he sees that I am not moving in his direction and that I'm going in Andre's direction instead, he throws me on his shoulders and carries me away. That's when I start to scream.

I sat up and my eyes burst open. I was sweating and breathing unevenly.

"Amor, what's wrong?" Andre asks me, turning on the lamp beside him. "Why are you screaming?" He sits up straight and moves my hair out of my face.

I look at Andre so glad to see him next to me and to see him not mad at me. It was just a horrible dream.

"Thank God you are here with me." I say wrapping my arms around him.

"It's okay baby, it was just a dream." He says pulling me closer to him.

"Please don't leave me." I hide my face in his neck.


We stay like that for two minutes and then I unwrap my arms around him.

"Are you feeling better?"

I nod my head at him. "Sorry, the dream felt real and he was there too and it was all just a mess." I shake my head, trying to get the images out of my head.

"Just remember that it is just a dream and that I am always here to protect you from anything, nothing can hurt you." He assures me.

I smile and nod my head at him. He places a kiss on my head and then he lies back down in bed and opens his arms out for me to lay in them. I do as he offers and lay in between his arms. He reaches over the drawer to turn off the lamp and we both fall asleep in peaceful sleep.

Later that night...

I've been thinking about Dani all day and how I need to find a way to get him to stay away from us. It's been bugging me a lot especially after last night. That's why I decided to go to his house tonight. I just need to talk to him. Raveen mentioned that he was bothering us because he wanted me to talk to him, so that's what I am going to do now.

Andre was in the bathroom taking a shower, Marco was out with Raveen, and Igor and papa were out together so I decided this was the perfect timing for me to go to Dani. I open my closet and take out a baggy hoodie and black tights. I wear my clothes and tie my hair in a pony tail. Then, I write a note for Andre telling him that I am going out and will be back in about an hour. I leave the note on my desk and make my way to Dani's house.

When I reach his house I stand in front of it and just stare ahead of me. I am having mixed feelings about what I am about to do. I take out my phone from my pocket to call Gori and update her on what is happening with me.

"Hola cussss!" She cheerfully answers the phone.


"What's wrong?"

It's been 17 years and I still find it creepy how she knows that something is wrong with me even when I simply just say one word.

"I'm standing in front of Dani's house."

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