Chapter 9

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Rinz's POV:

"He's a freaking idiot please let me kill him." Gori says as she paced back and forth.

"Gori, this is not the time." Raveen says trying to calm her down.

We were in my room and they were here to comfort me. Marco heard about the news from Gori and went to pick me up early from university. I ended up not going to my last course for the day.

"Only one block seperates us. Maybe if I go there now I can get my revenge on them both." She continued to say.

When she said that, her words hit me. They were together now in his house doing God knows what. Images of shirtless Dani popped up in my mind and that is when I started to assume the worse. I brought my knees closer to my chest, hugging them tightly as I buried my head into them crying even more than I was before.

"GORI!" Raveen yelled at her.

Gori looked at our way and saw me crying. "Cus, oh my God. I'm sorry I didn't mean it. Please forget about all of this. Let's do something else, yeah?" She said trying to comfort me.

This was my first break up. I was not used to this. I did not know how to deal with them. I would always think to myself about how other girls overexaggerate when they go through a break up, but here I am now, on the verge to make an ocean out of my own tears. All I could think of is Dani and why he would do this. Was I not good enough for him? Was I not a perfect match for him? Why would he cheat on me if he has had a crush on me for five years now? Then it hit me. Maybe he wanted to just get in my pants and when he noticed that I wouldn't give in quickly he decided to leave me for another girl. I grabbed my pillow and put it over my head continuing to sob.

Someone knocked on my door and I heard one of the girls walk up to open the door. I stayed in my position and continued to cry to myself.

"Oh my God. What are you doing here?" Gori asks. She sounded surprised.

I continued to sit there and cry and at the same time, I tried to guess who was at the door. Then it hit me, what if it was him?

"Okay me and Gori will leave you two alone now." Raveen says.

Soon enough, I heard two pair of feet walk out of my room. No, no, no. Don't leave me with him, please. I tried to get myself together, but I ended up crying harder than I was before. That person sat next to me on my bed and wrapped his arm around me. I flinched at his touch and managed to get out of his grip as I continued to cry hard.

"Rinz.. Come on, don't do this." He said taking the pillow off of me.

Wait a minute, I knew that voice. I looked up at him. It was Angel. I was so shocked and happy to see him. I threw my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer to him as I continued to cry in his chest. We sat there for quite some time. He kept repeating comforting words to me as he rubbed circles on my back and that seemed to comfort me somehow because I randomly ended up pouring my feelings and what I was thinking to him. His replies were so comforting and he calmed me down quicker than anyone else had.

After I had completely calmed down I asked him why he was in Madrid.

"I told Marco I was coming here like a week ago, but I told him not to tell anyone so I can make it a surprise for everyone, but it turns out I came in the perfect timing." He smiles at me.

"Thank you so much." I pull him into a tight hug. "I do not know what I would do without you." I tell him.

He smiled at me. "You probably would have flooded your own room if I have had never showed up." He jokes.

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