Chapter 37

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Gori's POV:

Crap. Crap. Crap. Can I look any bad than I already do at this point?

"Now I understand everything." Borja says.

What was there to understand? Oh my God.

"And what do you understand?" Marcos asks him crossing his arms and looking at him.

"Shut the hell up! You don't need to act like an ass with me! You won her congrats." Borja yells at him.

"Why do you care anyways? Don't you have Gloria or some other bitch?"

"Don't call her that." He says pointing his finger at him.

"I'll call whoever hurts Gori whatever I want." Marcos challenges him. "You being one of those people." He pokes his chest.

Madre mia. The way Marcos defends me makes my heart skip a beat. But I don't want them fighting right now. In fact, I don't ever want to see them fighting. I am too tired for this.

"What the hell? And what are you? Innocent? You dumped her for a whole year."

"You don't get to talk about us when you have absolutely no idea what goes on between us."

"Can you two just stop?" I ask them.

The elevator door opens and Rinz and Raveen come out of it. They were laughing at something they were talking about.

"Yeah, so I was out with Jacobo and he-" She stops talking once she sees Borja and Marcos in the hallway with me.

Definitely did not look like a good scene.

"What is going on here?" Rinz carefully asks. She walks up to us and stands next to me.

Always has my back.

"Borja was just leaving." Marcos says glaring at him.

"And so was Marcos." Borja replies back.

"God damn it, why are you so damn annoying? Why can't you leave us alone?"

"Why can't you leave Gori alone?" Borja gets closer and raises his eyebrow at him.

"Who the hell are you to tell me to leave Gori alone?" He also steps closer to Borja. "Her brother? Father? Uncle? Cousin? Oh yeah, boyfriend. Oh wait, not anymore."

"Guys, cut it out." Rinz says.

She steps in between the little gap between them and pushes them away from each another. She had one of her hands on Borja's chest and her other hand on Marcos' chest.

"Stop acting like kids." She says.

"He is acting like a child." Marcos says.

"No! He is!"

"You both are!"

I see Raveen call someone on her phone. I was too worried about what Borja and Marcos would end up doing to hear what Raveen was saying through the phone or who she was calling.

"Borja is actually acting like a dick."

"What's going on here?" Marcelo asks. "I heard noise coming from Clarice's hotel room."

Borja moves Rinz to the side and gets so close to Marcos that there is little space between them. If they got any closer their foreheads would touch. Borja had an angry look on his face. He was breathing heavily and you could tell he was boiling inside. Marcos looked calmer, but he was still mad.

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