Chapter 58

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Rinz's POV:

"How much do you want to bet that the place is trashed?" I ask Andre.

"It better not be." He mumbles.

We walk back into Andre's place after we shared a great night at the hotel. When we walked into the house, we were surprised to see the house spotless, with not a single drop of dust anywhere.

"Wow." I let out.

"Yeah..." Andre says before taking a better look at the place.

"I am shocked."

"Same, where are those two anyways?"

"I hope they left..." I say wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Mhhm." He buries his face in my neck. "We should have booked another night at that hotel, I want to go back."

"Or we can just lock the both of them out of this house for the night.."

"How about for the rest of your visit?"

"Deal." I giggle at him.

He smiles down at me before leaning in to kiss me.

"WAS LAST NIGHT NOT ENOUGH FOR THE BOTH OF YOU?" Patrick yells at us out of no where.

I jump in Andre's grip.

"You idiot!" He grabs the nearest pillow and throws it at him. "I didn't even get to kiss her yet!"

"Andare!! Behave! Do not treat Patty like that." Gori defends Patrick.

"Patty?" I question.

"My new nickname for him." She smiles.

"Wow, we leave them for a night and they end up cleaning our place and giving each other nicknames." I say.

"What are you guys like super close now or something?" Andre asks them.

"We have a great bond." Patrick says.

"Gori has the same cap..." I trail off while looking at the cap Patrick is wearing that read "ICON" on it.

"That's because she gave it to me."

I look over at Gori and raise my eyebrow at her.

"What? It looked better on him." She smiles innocently at me.

"I thought you gave it to me because I'm an icon?"

She laughs at him. "Sure, that too Patty."

"So what did you two do last night?" I ask.

"We made brownies, watched a movie or at least tried to with Patrick making comments every 3 minutes, and that's it."

"Lies, I gave Gori a make over."

"You gave her a what?"

"I did her hair and make up." He says. "Look." He takes out his phone to show me and Andre pictures. Gori looked like a mess thanks to Patrick. I'm surprised she let him do that to her.

"Patrick, stop! Those are embarrassing."

"They are not."

"I'm surprised this place is clean." Andre says once again.

"We should be asking you two what you two did last night." Patrick nudges Andre while smirking at him.

"That is none of your bussinesses." He smile smuggily at me while placing his arm around my shoulder.

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