Chapter 5

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Rinz's POV:

Gori, Raveen, and I all followed Marcelo into the dining room and started greeting the players that were already there. They all told us how much they missed us and how it has been a while since we have seen each other. Soon enough, Dani, Borja, Marcos, Jesus, and Marco walked into the room. We were standing right next to the exit so the boys came to us first.

"Hola, missed me?" Borja teased Gori.

"Yes, I was going to die if you did not show up any earlier." Gori rolled her eyes at him but hid a smile.

Marcos rolled his eyes at them and walked to the other players in the room. "What was going on between them?" I thought to myself. I knew something was going on between Borja and Gori I just needed to know what it was.

"Did you see that?" I ask Dani.

"Bori?" He asks.

"Huh?" I ask confused.

"That's the ship name I came up with for Borja and Gori." He smiles proudly.

"When did you make that up?" I laugh.

"When we were on the plane and I noticed that they would not shut up. Borja likes her." He whispers to me.

"Did he tell you that?" I ask him shocked.

"Maybe." He smirks and walks away.

"Dani! Wait up!" I walk up next to him.

"Tell me about Borja's feelings," I tell him.

"Don't worry about it, babe." He tells me as he wraps his arm around me and brings me closer to him.

"WOAH, ARE YOU TWO A THING?" Isco shouts in shock.

Everyone in the room from players to staff looked at us. You could tell that they were curious and wanted to know the answer.

Dani replied to them with, "Yes we're dating, she's my girlfriend." He says proudly, looking at me.

"So Rinz isn't single anymore?" Mateo comes up to me and teases.

"OH MY GOD MATEO!" I jump on him and hug him.

Gori must have heard me as she came running to hug her brother too.

"How are my second favorite girls?" He laughs.

Me and Gori roll our eyes at him. He always tells us we are his second favorite and his wife Izabella is his favorite. We don't take it too seriously because we know he is only joking. Plus, we love Iza, she's great.

"Missed you, bro," Gori tells him giving him another hug.

"Me too," I tell him.

"Missed you too mi ninas." He says before looking at Dani and telling him, "You better not break my cousin's heart, Ceballos. I love her so much so God knows what I would do to the guy that breaks her heart. You're her first boyfriend so hopefully, we won't have to find out." He tries to toughly tell him. Mateo is literally the cutest human being I have ever met. So, when he tries to act tough, people cannot take him seriously, but Dani could tell that he was being serious about hurting me.

"Don't worry, I won't. I already got that speech from Marco." Dani says raising his hands in defense.

After all the boys got together and hung out for a while, some of us decided to go out and explore LA together. Dani, Gori, Borja, Marco, Raveen, and I all went out together. Of course, halfway through our adventure Marco and Raveen ditched us and went to go have their own fun. We were used to that since they usually do that to us most of the times.

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