Chapter 20

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Rinz's POV:

We reached the stadium just in time for the game. I suddenly got a call from someone as we were walking to our seats. I look at the caller ID and see Borja calling me. I knew what he wanted. He wanted to talk to me about Gori's birthday present. I promised him that I would help him make sure that Gori's present would reach to her in good form for her birthday.

"Guys, I have to take this. I will catch up with you guys in a bit." I tell them.

"Who is it?" Gori asks.

"Someone from uni." I lie.

"Hahaha, cus just ignore them who cares about uni now."

"Uh, we have a project due and it's worth a lot of points." I lie again.

"Okay then." She says.

"Can't you just talk to them while we are walking to our seats?" Igor asks us.

"No, it is kind of an important call," I say in a hurry.

"Okay, hurry up." He tells me.

I rush off to the side to talk to Borja. "Hello?" I answer.

"Oh my God, about time. I called twice." He said.

"Sorry, Gori was next to me and we are currently at the Spain game," I inform him. "Wait, how are you talking to me now? Don't you have a game?" I ask him confused.

"That is why I am in a rush. I just finished warming up, we are about to walk to the field in a bit. So, tell me. Did the present arrive at your house yet?"

"No. I waited all morning and nothing from you came in."

"Damn it. It's late."

"Maybe it is there now. I'll check when I get back to Madrid." I tell him.

"I hope so. I knew I should have ordered it a bit earlier."

"Borja, it will be fine. Cus won't get mad if you don't get her anything. She just cares about the little things, like a call from you or even better a video call." I say taking off my cap.

"Of course I wi-" Borja was cut off.

"OH MY GOD IS THAT RINZ?!" A fan shouted out and multiple people started to look my way.

"Crap. Borja, I need to run." I say putting my cap back on and running.

"Are those fans running after you? Stay safe Rinz." He said sounding worried.

"And you have a good game!" I say looking behind me.

"I am going to score a goal for her. For sure." He tells me.

The people chasing me were catching up to me and I needed to hide as fast as possible. "Crap crap crap. Borja I really got to go."

"CALL IGOR!" He says before hanging up.

As I run I put on my jacket and put the hood of the jacket on my head so I could sneak away with a new look, hoping they won't recognize me. I run out to the stands and spot Igor and everyone else from a distance. I look behind me and I see the people that were chasing me stop to take a look at which way I had gone. I turn my head away from them.

"Where did she go?!" A girl yells.

"I don't fricking know!" A boy replies to her.

Great, they don't recognize me with my new look. I walk off to Igor and the rest with my head down, making sure not to make eye contact with anyone so no one will recognize me. When I reached them, I rested my head on Gori's shoulder, trying to catch my breath.

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