Chapter 11

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Rinz's POV:

It's been three weeks. Three weeks since Dani cheated on me. Three weeks since I last saw Angel. Three weeks of misery. I am slowly starting to accept the fact that Dani had cheated on me, but I am not healing. Everytime I remember he cheated on me, I get even more hurt than I was before. He was my first love and a person I trusted a lot. It just wouldn't sink in my mind why he would do this. Every since Angel left Madrid, my only distraction seemed to be gone. I kept thinking about him more. Marco kept telling me how unhealthy that is and tried to distract me. He would invite friends, teammates, and family over at our house sometimes. I would get distracted for a couple of minutes until I replay what happened three weeks ago in my head. Angel checks up on me at least 5 times a day. He calls, texts, video chats with me whenever we both are free. He sometimes, even texts me when I am in class, which by the way I'm not even complaining about because who the hell said I was even listening to what the hell these professors were saying. Oh, and I forgot to mention. It's also been three weeks since I have been texting Andre. After I replied to his comment, he privately messaged me and asked me if I took his comment seriously. If I wasn't so heartbroken at the time, you would catch me jumping on the bed or couch out of happiness, but that's not the case now. I replied back to him saying that I took it as a joke and that's why I replied in a teasing way. And ever since then we have been talking. It's not those funny/ fun or deep conversations people have, the type you want to keep going, it's just a normal conversation. But I totally get why, Andre mentioned to me how busy he has been ever since he moved to Milan. I feel what he is going through, it takes some time to adjust.

I was lying in my bed watching some sob movie until I heard the doorbell ring. I ignored it and hoped that whoever was at the door would go away.

Ding doooong.

I let out a loud sigh. "MARCOOOO! CAN YOU GET THE DOOR!" I shout. I did not want to leave my bed for whatever reason there was.

"I'M IN THE SHOWER!" He yells back at me even louder.

I let out a long groan and get out of my bed and walk downstairs to get the door.

Ding dong. Ding dong. Ding dooooong.

"OKAY, OKAY. I'M COMING!!!" I yell annoyed. I opened the door and found both Gori and Borja outside. "What?" I asked still annoyed.

"Well nice to see you too." Borja sarcastically says.

"Why are you still in your pajamas?" Gori asks me. "It's freaking 3 in the afternoon and it's a Friday. It's beautiful outside, beautiful weather." She continues to ramble on.

"My bed is beautiful." I say climbing up the stairs to my room. I heard them follow me and I rolled my eyes at that.

I hop back into my bed as they walked in my room.

"Were you sitting in bed all day?" Gori asks me.

"Maybe, why do you care?" I ask looking through my phone.

"I bet this is the first time you got out of your bed today." She says crossing her arms.

"Don't be silly. I got up for breakfast and bathroom breaks. Also, for movie snacks." I tell her.

"Well, we're here because we got something to tell you." Borja says.

"Something really exciting to tell you." Gori corrected him.

"What is it?" I ask not looking up from my phone.

Gori comes to me and grabs my phone from my hands.

"Hey! I was talking to someone really important." I tell her annoyed.

She looks at my phone before saying, "Isco can wait. This is more important."

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