Chapter 52

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Andre's POV:

"Text her." I tell Rinz.

"No." She replies in a sad voice.

"I'll text her."

"Oh my God, don't."

"Okay, so we'll just stare out at the window for the rest of the night."

"Yes." She says continuing to look out at the window.

I go on my phone and I feel her looking at me.


"I'm on Instagram. See?" I say showing my screen to her.

"Okay." She mumbles.

Me being the sneaky person I am, I quickly decide to text Gori to figure out what the hell is going on.

Me: Hey, what's going on?

Gori: Don't even ask, my life is shit and I am such a bad person. I hate myself.

Me: Can I call you?

Gori: Yes

Me: Wait, don't call. I'll call you.

Gori: Okay

I put my phone in my pocket and look at Rinz.

"Babe, I'm going down to the cafe, do you need anything?"


I shake my head and laugh at her. "Okay amor, I will get you some." I kiss her forehead before leaving our hotel room.

As soon as I reach the cafe, I take out my phone to call Gori.

"Hello." A shaky voice answers the call.

"Hey, oh my God, what's wrong?"

"Me and Marcos had a fight." She says.

I could tell she was trying her best not to cry.

"Oh. Oh my, when?" I ask her shocked.

"A few hours ago. He left and still didn't come back. I think he is at Paddy's place." She says in a really sad voice.

What the hell. Paddy?

"He hates Paddy's guts. Why would he be there?" I ask her sitting down on a table. "Tell me everything."

"First I had a fight with cus about the party."

"Yeah, that I know about."

"And then I told Marcos that I am not going. He asked me why and I didn't want to tell him it's because of Borja."

"Yeah and then?"

"I didn't want to come so he wouldn't feel uncomfortable. You know, with Raveen and Borja there. And then, he soon realized that it's about Borja. He asked me if I still like him and that question hurted me. Like how could he even think about that? After everything?"

"You should have been honest with him in the first place and just told him everything. Also, he shouldn't have said that right away and jumped to conclusions."

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