Chapter 31

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Rinz's POV:

"So no one knows you're here except for Gori and Raveen, and they don't even know you came here to get back with me in a relationship?" He asks.

I nod my head at him and he shakes his head at me. We were cuddling on the couch. He was laying down on the couch as I was resting my head on top of his chest with my leg wrapped around one of his legs. Andre had his arm wrapped around me as he rested his other hand behind his neck.

"You are crazy."

"You made me act this way. You left me no other choice. I literally had to come here to tell you that I love you because you were ignoring my texts, calls, comments..."

"I'm glad I was ignoring you because now I have you here in my arms, and I got to see and hear you say how much you love me in person. Plus, I get to do this."

He lifts my chin up and grabs my face and starts to kiss me for what felt like the hundreth time today, but hey, I wasn't complaining. My phone started to ring and it made Andre pull away from me.

"Your phone." He says.

"Ignore it."

I lift my head up again to kiss him and my phone stops ringing. Not even a couple seconds pass by and it starts to ring again.

"Ugh." I let out.

He reaches over the table to grab my phone, making sure to not break our cuddling position.

"It's Gori." He says handing me my phone.

"Oh my God, why is she calling me? She's on the plane."

"She's calling you through whatsapp."

I unlock my phone and answer her.

"Hello?" I answer hesitantly.

"THANK GOD SHE ANSWERED." She yells out so loud that it actually hurted my ears. I had to pull my phone away from my ears for a bit.

"Why are you calling me? Aren't you suppose to be on the plane now? There's no way you landed." I say.

I try to sit up straight, but Andre pulls my back down on his chest and starts to play with my hair. I smile at him and try my best to focus on the call.

"We are, but we got WIFI!"

Andre pulls me up a little and starts to kiss my neck softly. I try to stop him, but he ignores me.

"Aha, that's great." I tried to say.

"Are you in Italy yet?" She asks.


"Shhhh, you idiot. Oh my God."

"Is that Manu?" I ask.

"Yes, Manu the idiot."

"Hey!" I hear him whine and I laugh.

"Yes, I'm in Italy." I say smiling at Andre. He gives me an even bigger smile and tucks my hair behind my ear.

"Oh my God. And?"

She wanted to know what happened between me and Andre, but she didn't want to say it out loud knowing that Manu is next to her.

"We're a couple again." I say and Andre claps his hands to show his excitement. I giggle at him.

"Oh, that's great, at least now you two can be frien- Did you just say couple?" She asks shocked.

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