Chapter 35

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Rinz's POV:

"Rinz, tell me what happened." Borja says.

I was resting my head on my legs and had my face covered with my hands.

"Talking about it will make you feel better you know, even if it is for a little." He says.

"What's wrong with my cus????"


"Borja, what did you do?"

"I didn't do anything oh my God! I was sitting over there with my friends and I saw her crying so I came to check up on her."

"Okay... well you can leave now. I got this from here." He says.

I feel Borja get up from his seat and leave. Then, I hear Mateo sit in his place.

"Princess, do you want to tell me what's wrong?" Mateo sweetly asks me. He pulls me closer to him.

"Do you have an extra jersey with your name on the back?" I lift my head up and wipe my tears away while looking at him.

"Yeah, I can find one why?" He smiles at me.

He is probably confused as to why I am asking him about a jersey when I am crying my eyes out right now.

"That's good. I need it for tomorrow's game." I say.

"What's wrong?"

"Marco is wrong."

"What did he do?"

"He said some shit stuff to me."

"What did he say?"

"To sum up the fight we had, he wants me to date Dani because he doesn't like Andre."


Yeah, I know Mateo....

"Why would he think that? Andre has done nothing bad to you, he hasn't upset you at all and then we have Dani. He freaking teared your world a part and he wants you to go back to him?"

I stay quiet.

"I won't let him. Besides, it's not his decision to decide who you want to date, it's your decision." He says, poking my shoulder. "I just don't get why he would want you to date Dani? HELLO?! He's a cheater. Stupid primo."

"It's a long story. There's things you don't know about." I quietly say.

"What don't I know about?" He asks turning to face me.

"The only reason I went to Italy was to fix my dumb mistake and get Andre back as my boyfriend."

"Okay... what? When did you two even break up?"

I explain everything to Mateo because I honestly cannot find a reason to hide this anymore. I made a dumb mistake going back to Dani and everyone deserves to know about how dumb I am at making choices.

"It's not a dumb choice. Maybe a little... okay a lot, but you made the right choice at the end and that's all that matters."

"Yes, but Marco-"

"Screw Marco. He'll get over it, just give him some time. I'll knock some sense into him."

I smile a little and he purposely bumps his shoulder against mine causing me to almost fall over.

"Hey!" I say.

He looks at me and shrugs. "What?"

I push him hard and he ends up falling off his chair.

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