Chapter 46

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Gori's POV:

Mateo, Iza, Marcos, and I came back from our dinner and we were standing in front of the front door waiting for Mateo to unlock the door for us.

"Was that a firework up in the sky?" I ask.

"Yeah, that's so weird. We've never had fireworks in this neighborhood before." Marcos says.

"Yes, it's a calm neighborhood and if these are kids doing these stuff then I will go have a lengthy talk with their parents." Mateo says.

"Oh, but they are beautiful fireworks!" Iza exclaims. "Oh my God! That's in a shape of a heart." She points out.

We all stand outside and watch the fireworks. Soon, the words 'I love you' form in the sky and we all stare at it in awe.

"I don't think this is a kids thing Mateo, I think this is a couple thing." Marcos tells him.

"Yeah..." Mateo answers him.

"Do you think it's Randre?" Iza smirks.


"André is the romantic type..." Marcos trails off.

"I need to ask Rinz about this." I tell them.

I walk into the house and take off my coat and hang it up. Then, I take off my shoes. Everyone else does the same thing as me.

"Me and Marcos are going to go upstairs." I say grabbing Marcos' hand.

"Okay, behave you two." Mateo tells us.

I roll my eyes at him as we both turn around to go upstairs. When we enter my room, I take a seat on my bed and Marcos closes the door. Once he does that, he takes a seat next to me.

Marcos' POV:

I must admit, those fireworks Andre told me about were pretty cool. It was a romantic thing for him to do. We also agreed that we would each give our girlfriends some sort of gift. He got Rinz a necklace and I got Gori a bracelet with the initials M and G on it. I still haven't given it to her. I found that right now was the best time to do it because I wanted to give it to her when we were alone.

"This dress is so uncomfortable. I think I will go change now." Gori says getting up from the bed.

"Wait," I stop her grabbing her hand.

"What?" She asks confused.

"Take a seat, I have a surprise for you." I tell her.

She raises her eyebrow at me amused and sits back down next to me. I reach in the pocket of my suit and take out a small rectangular shaped box for her. I hand it over to her and wait for her to open it.

"What is this?" She asks looking at me.

"Open it and you will see."

She takes her eyes off of me and looks at the box. She carefully unties the bow tie on it and slowly opens the box. When she sees what is in the box, she smiles.

"Oh my God..."

She takes out the bracelet from the box and looks at it. When her eyes land on the letters M&G, her eyes immediately look into mine. Her eyes were wide and her lips were parted, obviously surprised at the gift.

"Marcos... This is so beautiful." She tells me.

"I'm glad you like it babe."

"Thank you so much!" She thanks me while hugging me.

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