Chapter 14

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Borja's POV:

We were 3 hours away from Milan. Before we slept last night, me and Gori searched up cool places to visit in Italy. The place that caught our attention the most was Venice. So, we decided to go to Venice and spend our day there. And oh, we were staying until Monday night. We fell in love with this city so much that we decided to stay another day. Bless Rinz. Right now, we were at some art museum.

"How is this art?" I ask Gori. "I can literally paint this with my eyes closed."

"Oh my God. You cannot paint something like that in your whole life." She tells me while she takes pictures of the painting.

"Oh come on! How hard could that be?" I ask. "What about this painting? What did this artist do here? He just threw a bunch of different color paints at the board, mixed them around and called it art?" I asked her. "How much is this painting even worth?" I ask taking a look at the price. "Madre mia.... 6,578,500 USD?!?!?!" I asked shocked.

"Yes babe, now do you believe that the paintings here are not easily painted?" She asks me.

"OH PLEASE! I can draw a stick figure and hang it over here and people would think it's art. It would cost at least 2 million dollars."

"Yeah okay." She says rolling her eyes at me.

"Okay look, I'll prove it to you." I say.

I walk off to a man. "Excuse me sir, can I borrow your glasses for a minute?" I kindly ask.

He looked at me weirdly before giving me his glasses that he had around his shirt. I walk to an empty place in the museum and placed the glasses on the floor. The man continued to look at me weirdly as if I had three heads. I go over to Gori, grab her camera from her and walk back to the glasses. I pretend to take pictures of it as if it was art. Soon enough, people started to crowd around to look at the glasses.

"MAMA MIA! Quanto è bella quest'arte! (How beautiful is this art)" I exclaim.

I moved to the side and people started to take pictures of the glasses. I walk over to Gori laughing my butt off.

"Very funny." She says laughing. "Give me that." She snatches the camera from my hands.

The moment the people walked away from the glasses, I picked them up and gave it back to the man.

"That was very funny." He tells me laughing.

If I was being honest myself, I haven't calmed down from laughing yet. "I guess your glasses are worth 5 Million dollars." I tell him continuing to laugh.

Gori walks over to us and laughs a long too. "Funny boyfriend you have." The man tells Gori before walking away.

"I think I just made his whole year." I tell her.

"Idiot." She smiles at me.

"OH! I must tweet about this." I say taking out my phone.

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